فهرس المقالات seyyed ehsan mousavi

  • المقاله

    1 - Measuring and evaluating factors affecting the nurturing and emergence of creativity in architecture, in the view of Architects & Design Professionals
    Creative City Design , العدد 2 , السنة 5 , بهار 2022
    Creativity, as one of the aspects affecting the quality of design, is significantly integrated with design knowledge in the world of design and architecture. Undoubtedly, nurturing creative novices is one of the most important goals of architecture education. According أکثر
    Creativity, as one of the aspects affecting the quality of design, is significantly integrated with design knowledge in the world of design and architecture. Undoubtedly, nurturing creative novices is one of the most important goals of architecture education. According to the results of the relevant studies, some prominent creative people in architecture have rarely mentioned the role of educational environment and professors as effective factors in nurturing and developing their abilities and creativity. The present study was conducted with the aim of examining and recognizing the factors affecting development of abilities and the emergence of creativity in the field of architecture, which finally due to the prevailing attitude towards the research issue the creativity of architecture professors will be measured and evaluated. Method The present study is considered as fundamental research in terms of purpose, and in terms of data collection method, it is descriptive-correlational research. The statistical population of this study includes professors teaching architecture at the level of Azad universities. The research sampling method was one-stage cluster random sampling. In this way, professors with the status of tuition fees in Tehran were randomly selected. The research tool was the standard Torrance Creativity Test. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21 software and t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, Levin, analysis of variance. According to the results, out of a total of 100 people in the sample population, 50 professors were evaluated as very highly creative professors, 38 as highly creative professors, 5 as moderately creative professors and 7 as professors with little creativity. Also, according to the average amount of professors' creativity, 97.33; it can be concluded that the average creativity is significantly larger than the criterion number 85. In other words, it is estimated that the creativity of professors is at a high level. There is also a significant relationship between creativity and demographic variables. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Effect of Creative Thinking Techniques on the Designer and the Product in the Creative Architectural Problem-Solving Process; (Problem Finding to Problem Solving)
    Creative City Design , العدد 5 , السنة 5 , پاییز 2022
    Today, the possibility of facing problems for which there is no predetermined solution in architecture has increased. Therefore, trying to bringcreativity into problem solving is always vital. The main purpose of this research was to measure and evaluate the effectivene أکثر
    Today, the possibility of facing problems for which there is no predetermined solution in architecture has increased. Therefore, trying to bringcreativity into problem solving is always vital. The main purpose of this research was to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention of creative thinking techniques in the creative architectural problem-solving process. The present study is practical in terms of purpose. The research method is an experimental with a pre-test and post-test design with an experimental and control group. Finally, the data were analyzed using ANCOVA, MANCOVA, and Bonferroni post hoc statistical tests using SPSS 25 software. The results of data analysis between experimental and control groups show a significant and positive effect of creative thinking techniques on two levels: 1) problem solving creativity and presented solutions, fluidity (F=21.96 and P=0.0001), expansion (F=3.49 and P=0.05), initiative (F=27.31 and P=0.0001) and flexibility (F=9.88 and P=0.001); 2) Creativity in design product (P=0.0001 and P=41.07). Also, the results of the Bonferroni test to examine the pairwise difference show that among the creative thinking techniques, paradigm breaking technique have more effective results than the paradigm stretching and paradigm preserving techniques (mean difference=0.004 and 25.02). By using creative thinking techniques in the he process of solving architectural creativity, it is possible to achieve the growth and promotion of components of creativity (fluidity, expansion, initiative, flexibility) in designers and provide creative solutions in the process of solving architectural problem, which will ultimately result in the design product in the three areas of physical, function and semantic. Also, in the process of solving creative architecture, as we move from paradigm preserving techniques to paradigm breaking techniques, the amount and level of creativity (the solver and the presented solutions-design product) increases. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - تبیین جایگاه دوره انحراف توجه و سنجش اثربخشی آن در فرآیند حل خلاقانه مسئله معماری
    فضای زیست , العدد 3 , السنة 2 , بهار-تابستان 1401
    امروزه خلاقیت جزء جدانشدنی و لازمه فرآیند طراحی معماری محسوب می‌شود و مستتر در آن است. در فرآیند طراحی معماری علاوه بر مسئله‌یابی، چگونگی مسئله گشایی و یافتن راه‌حل مناسب به‌منظور نیل به وضعیت مطلوب از اهمیت بالایی برخوردار ‌است. در این‌خصوص یکی از راهبردهایی که اندیشم أکثر
    امروزه خلاقیت جزء جدانشدنی و لازمه فرآیند طراحی معماری محسوب می‌شود و مستتر در آن است. در فرآیند طراحی معماری علاوه بر مسئله‌یابی، چگونگی مسئله گشایی و یافتن راه‌حل مناسب به‌منظور نیل به وضعیت مطلوب از اهمیت بالایی برخوردار ‌است. در این‌خصوص یکی از راهبردهایی که اندیشمندان در جهت حل خلاقانه مسئله به آن تاکید دارند ایجاد وضعیتی است که طراحان بتوانند، جهت اندیشیدن خود را تغییر دهند. ازاین‌رو بررسی ماهیت و اثربخشی دوره انحراف توجه، نقش و جایگاه آن در فرآیند حل خلاقانه مسئله معماری، هدف اصلی این پژوهش می‌باشد. ماهیت پژوهش از حیث هدف، کاربردی و روش تحقیق در این پژوهش به‌شیوه مداخله نیمه تجربی، از نوع طرح پیش‌آزمون-‌پس‌آزمون با گروه کنترل است که از طریق آن‌، میان گروه‌هایی که در معرض متغیر مستقل (دوره انحراف توجه) قرار گرفته‌اند و گروهی که متغیر مستقل بر آن اعمال نشده است، مقایسه صورت می‌گیرد. ابزار مورد‌ استفاده در این پژوهش به‌منظور دستیابی به فاکتورهای ارزیابی فرآورده طراحی، پرسش‌نامه‌ای محقق‌ساخت است که در نهایت داده ها از طریق آزمون های آماری تحلیل کواریانس و آزمون تعقیبی بونفرونی و با استفاده از نرم‌افزار SPSS 25 تجزیه و تحلیل شدند. نتایج تحلیل کواریانس داده‌ها بین دو گروه آزمایش و کنترل بیانگر تاثیر معنا‌دار و مثبت دوره انحراف توجه در فرآیند حل خلاقانه مسئله معماری می‌باشد (205/28=F و 0/0001=P). همچنین نتایج آزمون بونفرونی برای بررسی اختلاف دو‌به‌دو گروه‌ها نشان می‌دهند؛ از میان راهبردهای مداخله، راهبرد استعاره، در مقایسه با راهبرد قیاس نتایج موثرتری دارد (0/0001=p و اختلاف میانگین=9/61). مبتنی بر یافته‌های پژوهش مبنی بر اثربخشی مثبت دوره انحراف‌توجه؛ به‌نظر می‌رسد می‌توان از این شیوه مداخله و راهبردهای آن به‌منظور ارائه پاسخ‌های خلاقانه در مواجهه با مسائل پیچیده و مبهم حال حاضر معماری در حوزه آموزش و نیز حرفه معماری بهره برد. تفاصيل المقالة