فهرس المقالات Hassan Izanlo المقاله 1 - Algorithm Development and Design of Lattice Conical Shell Under Mechanical and Thermal Loads 10.71644/admt.2024.873788 Behrooz Shahriari Mahdi Sharifi Hassan Izanlo International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology , العدد 69 , السنة 17 , زمستان 2024 المقاله 2 - A Quasi-Analytical Method Algorithm Development in Redesigning the Geometry and Structural Analysis of An Aircraft Propeller and Comparing with the Finite Element Method 10.30486/ADMT.1403.873792 Behrooz Shahriari Hassan Izanlo Nedasadat Seddighi International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology , العدد 66 , السنة 17 , بهار 2024 المقاله 3 - Design and structural analysis of buckling and prestressed modal of an isogrid conical shell under mechanical and thermal loads DOI 10.71939/jsme.2024.1105736 Behrooz Shahriari Mahdi Sharifi Hassan Izanlo Journal of Simulation and Analysis of Novel Technologies in Mechanical Engineering , العدد 1 , السنة 16 , بهار 2024