فهرس المقالات Pooya Parvin

  • المقاله

    1 - Mechanisms of Rehabilitation Gardens for Stress and Mental Fatigue Reduction
    Creative City Design , العدد 5 , السنة 2 , بهار 2019
    The issue of stress, mental fatigue and othe types of psychitric disordrs has gained a considerable importance in different societies because of various changes in lifestyle and the growth of modern Urbanization. According to the American Psychological Association (APA) أکثر
    The issue of stress, mental fatigue and othe types of psychitric disordrs has gained a considerable importance in different societies because of various changes in lifestyle and the growth of modern Urbanization. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), the prevalence of anxiety between students these days is at the same level as psychiatric patients in the 1950`s. On the other hand, in the modern urbanization areas, peole are exposed to many stressors such as traffic, fear, crime and obstructive population. Therefore, the approaches toward stress reduction have been given much more attention than before. One of the most intresting methods to reduce the general stress of the patients and normal people suffering from stress is to utilize rehabilitation gardens. The gardens make use of special features to reduce the level of stress and mental fatigue in visitors without special needs for medical treatments, by getting involved in garden`s space and doing certain activities. This research aims to investigate the role, and mechanism of the rehabilitation gardens, for reduction of stress and mental fatigue. It may be concluded from the research that rehabilitation gardens cause a reduction in stress and mental fatigue through three different mechanisms, active, semi-active and passive mechanism. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    2 - Comparative analysis of the concept of Islamic City in Esfahan during Seljuq and Safavid dynasties
    Creative City Design , العدد 2 , السنة 3 , زمستان 2020
    Cities are the consequence of mankind civilization, therefore the first step in studying a civilization, is to study the characteristics of the cities. In a preliminary point of view, an Islamic city is a city which demonstrates Islamic values. In other words, the city أکثر
    Cities are the consequence of mankind civilization, therefore the first step in studying a civilization, is to study the characteristics of the cities. In a preliminary point of view, an Islamic city is a city which demonstrates Islamic values. In other words, the city was the presence of the culture of a society in form of a city. So assigning the characteristic of being Islamic to a city is based upon the features which roots from Islam religion. This investigation studies Esfahan as an urban civilization which ascribes to Islamic period through Seljuq (1037-1157) and Safavid (1501-1739) dynasties. The research progress takes part through a comparative analysis method that compares the characteristics of a geographical context during two different historical eras. Four main topics are being considered in this research; in the first section explains the main research method and theoretical framework. The second section is the studies about Esfahan city and in third section focuses on Seljuq and Safavid period. The final section is the final conclusions based on the first tree parts. Esfahan Islamic city during Seljuq and Safavid dynasties had many similarities. This city had a central urban authority space with various functions and a governmental identity. It was similar to a square that people would have gathered there for different rituals and this form of classification in urban spaces was a sign of equality between people with different religions in an Islamic city. The following research, aims at explaining the main characteristics of Islamic city based on searching in Islamic values of an urban civilization and comparing its features through different eras. تفاصيل المقالة

  • المقاله

    3 - Investigation in permanence of the concept of Chalipa(cross) in Iranian Architectural patterns
    Creative City Design , العدد 2 , السنة 3 , زمستان 2020
    Chalipa is known as one of the oldest ancient symbols, and also one of the most popular motifs in Iranian art. The application of this concept in not limited to pottery and artworks, but in many other fields of art such as painting and architecture. This concept can be أکثر
    Chalipa is known as one of the oldest ancient symbols, and also one of the most popular motifs in Iranian art. The application of this concept in not limited to pottery and artworks, but in many other fields of art such as painting and architecture. This concept can be widely found in Iranian architectural patterns and decorative motifs during different periods of history, before and after Islam. The present article aims to investigate the meanings of the concept of Chalipa in different historical eras, and the reasons behind its durability in Iranian buildings and architecture. In this order, many historical evidences and materials had been studied with a critical approach. Several materials about ancient buildings such as plans and inscriptions had been studied in order to seek the evidences about Chalipa. Another important topic that has been investigated in this paper is the origins of this supernatural concept, and its effects on architectural geometry and formation during different historical periods. Consequently, an analogical approach has been taken based on the documentary studies with descriptive and analytical methods. The findings indicate that this concept has been a symbol of supernatural and sacred power in human life during different eras of history. As a result, the following concept can be found in geometric structures and ornamental elements of buildings in the template of four-square, dome house and pavilion, and also in valuable spiritual buildings such as tombs, houses of worship and mosques. تفاصيل المقالة