فهرس المقالات Mithen Lullulangi

  • المقاله

    1 - Green Open Space Housing Public Company Panakkukang Makassar Indonesia
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , العدد 5 , السنة 7 , پاییز 2017
    This study is a field research that aims to determine the extent of green open spaces that serve asneighborhood parks in Housing Public Company Panakkukang, which consists of three areas: Toddopuli, Tidung,and Tamalate. Population in this study, is the third of the area أکثر
    This study is a field research that aims to determine the extent of green open spaces that serve asneighborhood parks in Housing Public Company Panakkukang, which consists of three areas: Toddopuli, Tidung,and Tamalate. Population in this study, is the third of the areas. The selected sample is Tamalate, arguing that thearea is in the middle and is central to the whole Housing Public Company Panakkukang. Data collection tool used isthe Global Positioning System. Data analysis techniques, qualitative analysis that compares the comparison theory /standard SNI 03-1733-2004. Standard Housing in Urban Environmental Planning with the reality on the field. Basedon the results and discussion, it is known that the area of green open space in the area of Housing Public CompanyPanakkukang Makassar city in general is not in accordance with the provisions of the extent of green open spacerequired in SNI 03-1733-2004. تفاصيل المقالة