Proposing a Conceptual Model of Critical Success Factors in Lean Production Using Interpretive Structural Modeling and Fuzzy MICMAC Analysis
الموضوعات : Transactions on Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Mazdak Khodadadi Karimvand
Hadi Shirouyehzad
Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi
1 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
2 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
3 - Department of Mathematics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
الکلمات المفتاحية: Critical success factors, Lean production, Interpretive structural modeling, Fuzzy MICMAC analysis.,
ملخص المقالة :
Since companies are inclined to implement lean production, researchers have proposed a number of fundamental success factors to facilitate the implementation of this production approach. This study analyzes the critical success factors (CSFs) in lean production extracted from 14 review studies. The interpretive structural modeling approach is utilized to analyze the impact of these critical success factors on one another. The aim is to enhance insights into lean production and facilitate informed decision-making. In this article, a seven-tiered model is presented. According to the conceptual model of success factors in lean production, leadership is positioned at the base of the model and serves as the origin for other factors. It should be regarded as the foremost critical success factor in lean production. When establishing lean production systems, organizations and senior managers should focus on higher levels and critical success factors that underlie the model. Subsequently, nonfuzzy and fuzzy driving and dependence power analyses were conducted that the fuzzy matrix cross-reference multiplication applied to a classification (MICMAC) analysis provides deeper insights into the analysis of driving and dependence power. The fuzzy matrix cross-reference multiplication applied to a classification analysis helped identify some key factors that are highly effective for successfully implementing lean manufacturing.
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