اثر انعطاف پذیری منابع انسانی بر اثربخشی سازمانی با نقش میانجی رفتار شهروندی سازمانی در شرکت بیمه ایران
الموضوعات :سعید صحت 1 , بهروز ایزد پناه 2 , عقیل قربانی پاجی 3
1 - دانشیارگروه مدیریت و حسابداری، دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی، تهران، ایران
2 - دانش آموخته کارشناسی ارشدگروه مدیریت و حسابداری،دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی، تهران،ایران
3 - دانشجوی دکتری گروه مدیریت وحسابداری،دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی،تهران،ایران
الکلمات المفتاحية: اثربخشی, رفتار شهروندی سازمانی, انعطاف پذیری منابع انسانی,
ملخص المقالة :
امروزه منابع انسانی یکی از سرمایههای بزرگ شرکتها بهخصوص شرکتهای خدماتی ازجمله شرکتهای بیمهای میباشد. با توجه به نقشی که منابع انسانی دررسیدن سازمان ها به اثربخشی ایفا میکند، همواره توجه سازمان ها و مدیران منابع انسانی را برای ایفای هر چهبهتر نقشی که این منابع در سازمان بر عهدهدارند، جلب میکند. هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی تأثیر انعطاف پذیری منابع انسانی بر اثربخشی سازمانی با نقش میانجی رفتارشهروندیسازمانی در شرکت بیمه ایران میباشد. در این پژوهش از روش نمونهگیری تصادفی ساده و برای تعیین حجم نمونه، از فرمول کوکران استفاده شد و حجم نمونه،100 نفر تعیین گردید. برای روایی پرسش نامه از روایی محتوایی، روایی همگرا و روایی واگرا، همچنین برای بررسی پایایی سازه ها از روش آلفای کرونباخ، پایاییترکیبی (CR) و برای پایاییمعرف ها از ضریب بارهای عاملی استفاده شد، برای بررسی مدل مفهومی پژوهش و آزمون فرضیههای پژوهش،روش تحلیل عاملی تأییدی و معادلات ساختاری مبتنی بر واریانس با استفاده از روش حداقل مربعات جزئی به کار رفت. اطلاعات بهدستآمده توسط نرمافزار spss و PLS ـ Smartمورد تجزیهوتحلیل قرار گرفت. نتایج پژوهش نشانداد که بین انعطاف پذیری منابع انسانی و اثربخشی سازمانی با آماره t(478/9)، انعطاف پذیری منابع انسانی و رفتارشهروندی سازمانی با آماره t(894/28)، رفتارشهروندی سازمانی و اثربخشی سازمانی با آماره t (092/2) اثر معناداری وجود دارد. همچنین یافتههای حاصل از آزمون سوبل نشان داد که تقریباً 17 درصد از تغییرات انعطاف پذیری منابع انسانی بر اثربخشی سازمانی از طریق متغیر میانجی رفتارشهروندی سازمانی تبیین میشود.
Abbasi, R., Baba Shahi, J., Afkhami Ardakani, M., & Farahani, D. (2013). Investigating the Effect of Human Resource Flexibility on Organizational Entrepreneurship: Explaining the Mediating Role of the Culture of Adaptability. Organizational Culture Management Journal. 11(1), 87-106, (In Persian).
Ali Asgari, F.(2016). The Effect of Organizational Identity on the Relationship between Organizational Socialiability and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Master's Thesis, Tehran: Allameh Tabataba'i University, (In Persian).
Andrew, S.A., & León-Cázares, F.(2016). Mediating Effects of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Organizational Performance: Empirical Analysis of Public Employees in Guadalajara, Mexico. Econo Quantum, 12(2).
Anggraeni, A. I., Dwiatmadja, C., & Yuniawan, A.(2017). The Role of Psychological Contract on Employee Commitment and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour: A Study of Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs in Management Action. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 43.
Aryee, S., Walumbwa, F. O., Seidu, E. Y., & Otaye, L.E.(2016). Developing and Leveraging Human Capital Resource to Promote Service Quality: Testing a Theory of Performance. Journal of management, 42(2), 480-499.
Baker, P.(2016). Examining Leadership Style and Employee Engagement in Organization Citizenship Behaviors Toward the Ecological Environment.
Bazrafkan, S., & Ghaderi, S.(2016). Improving Organizational Effectiveness in the Light of Internal Contingency Factors. Strategic Management Studies, Strategic Management Association, 28, 191-210, (In Persian).
Beltran-Martin, I., Roca-Puig, V., Escrig-Tena, A., & Bou-Liusar, J. (2008). Human Resource Flexibility as a Mediating Variable between High Performance Work Systems and Performance. Journal of Management, 34, 1009-1044.
Bhattacharya, M., Gibson, D., & Doty, D.(2005). The Effect of Flexibility in Employee Skills, Employee Behaviors, and Human Resource Practice on Firm Performance. Journal of management, 31(4), 620-622.
Bolino, M. C., & Turnley, W.H.(2003). Going the Extra Mile: Cultivating and Managing Employee Citizenship Behavior. The Academy of Management Executive, 17(3), 60-71.
Camps, J., Oltra, V., Aldás‐Manzano, J., Buenaventura‐Vera, G., & Torres‐Carballo, F.(2016). Individual Performance in Turbulent Environments: The Role of Organizational Learning Capability and Employee Flexibility. Human Resource Management, 55(3), 363-383.
Castro, Barroso, C., Martín Armario, E., & Martín Ruiz, D.(2004). The Influence of Employee Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Customer Loyalty. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15(1), 27-53.
Chang, S., Gong, Y., Way, S. A., & Jia, L.(2013). Flexibility-Oriented HRM Systems, Absorptive Capacity, and Market Responsiveness and Firm Innovativeness. Journal of Management, 39(7), 1924-1951.
Charles, E. & Daniel, E.C.(2016). The Impact of Procedural Justice on Organizational International. Journal of Computer Applications. 133.
Chou, S.Y., & Garcia, D.C.(2011). Group Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Stages of Group Development. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(10).
De la, L., Fernández-Pérez, S., Martín-Alcázar, F., & Sánchez-Gardey, G.(2014). Functional Flexibility in Human Resource Management Systems: Conceptualization and Measurement. International Journal of Business Administration, 5(1), 1923-4015.
Dekas, K.H., Bauer, T.N., Welle, B., Kurkoski, J., & Sullivan, S. (2013). Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Version 2.0: A Review and Qualitative Investigation of Ocbs for Knowledge Workers at Google and Beyond. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 27(3), 219-237.
Do, B.R., Do, B.R., Yeh, P.W., Yeh, P.W., Madsen, J., & Madsen, J.(2016). Exploring the Relationship among Human Resource Flexibility, Organizational Innovation and Adaptability Culture. Chinese Management Studies, 10(4), 657-674.
Dyer, L., & Ericksen, J.(2005). In Pursuit of Marketplace Agility: Applying Precepts of Self‐Organizing Systems to Optimize Human Resource Scalability. Human Resource Management, 44(2), 183-188.
Eldridge, D., & Nisar, T.M.(2006). The Significance of Employee Skill in Flexible Work Organizations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(5), 918-937.
Fallon, T., & Brinkerhoff, R.(1996). Framework for Organizational Effectiveness. The American Society for Training and Development International Conference.
Fornell, C., & Larcker, D.F.(1981). Evaluating Structural Equatin Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 39-50.
Fraser, K., & Hvolby, H.(2010). Effective Teamwork: Can Functional Flexibility Act as an Enhancing Factor. Journal of Team Performance Management, 16, 12, 74-79.
Gerwin, D.(1993). Manufacturing Flexibility: A Strategic Perspective. Management Science, 39(4), 395-410.
Gupta, Y. P., & Goyal, S.(1989). Flexibility of the Manufacturing System: Concepts and Measurement. European Journal of Operations Research, 43, 119-35.
Hadjali, H. R., & Salimi, M.(2012). An Investigation on the Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCB) Toward Customer-orientation: A Case of Nursing Home. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 57, 524-532.
Harsi, P., Blanchard, K., & Goldsmith, M.(1996). Management of Organizational Behavior. Translated by: Gh., Kabiri, Tehran: Tehran University Publication, (In Persian).
Hitt, M. A., Keats, B. W., & DeMarie, S.M.(1998). Navigating in the New Competitive Landscape: Building Strategic Flexibility and Competitive Advantage in the 21st Century. Academy of Management Executive, 12(4), 22-42.
Hoy, W., & Miskel, C.(2014). Educational Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice. Translated by: S. M. M., Abbaszadeh, and Urmia: Urmia University Press, (In Persian).
Iroca‐Puig, V.(2013). Promoting Employee Flexibility Through HR Practices. Human Resource Management, 52(5), 645-674.
Jafari, S.A., & Mohammadi R.(2011). Measuring Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) in Iranian Tile Industry Using Pls Path Modeling Technique Middle-East. Journal of Scientific Research, 8(1), 141-149.
Kernodle, T.A.(2007). Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Hierarchical Linear Modeling Study, Phd Thesis.
Ketkar, S., & Sett, P.(2009). HR Flexibility and Firm Performance: Analysis of a Multi-level Causal Model. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(5), 1009-1038.
Kumary, I., & Pradham, R.(2014). Human Resource Flexibility and Organization Effectiveness: Role of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Employee Intent to stay. Inteernational Journal of business and Management invention, 3(11), 43-51.
LePine, J. A., Colquitt, J. A., & Erez, A.(2000). Adaptability to Changing Task Contexts: Effects of General Cognitive Ability, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience. Personnel Psychology, 53(3), 563-593.
Moadab, N., Mohammadi, E., & Keshvarzian, V.(2013). The Relationship between Organizational Effectiveness and Control Structure of Heads of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Sadra Medical Science Journal, 1, 87-94, (In Persian).
Nasiri F., Ghanbari, S., Zandi, K., Seifpanahi, S.(2014). The Survey of Relationship between Ethical Leadership, Spirituality at Work and Burnout. Ethics in Science and Technology, 9(1), 1-11, (In Persian).
Nazari, R., Ehsani, M., Gangoei, F., & Ghasemi, H.(2013). Structural Equation Modeling Effective Communication Skills in Interpersonal Communication and the Role of Sports Managers on Organizational Effectiveness Iran. Sport Management Journal, 5(4), 67-82, (In Persian).
Ngoa, H., & Loi, R.(2008). Human Resource Flexibility, Organizational Culture and Firm Performance: An Investigation of Multinational Firms in Hung Kong. The Journal of Human Resource Management, 19, 1654-1666.
Organ, D.W.(2006). Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Good Soldier Syndrome. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Owor, J.J.(2016). Human Resource Management Practices, Employee Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behaviours in Selected Firms in Uganda. African Journal of Business Management, 10(1).
Perezgar, A.A., Aghajani, Afroozi, M.M., & Rabi'i A.(2013). Advanced Research Methodology in Applied Management. Tehran: Publication of Payame Noor University, (In Persian).
Podsakoff, N.P., Whiting, S.W., Podsakoff, P.M., & Blume, B.D.(2009). Individual and Organizational Level Consequences of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Meta Analysis. J Appl Psychol, 94(1), 122-41.
Podsakoff, P.M., MacKenzie, S.B., Paine, J.B., & Bacharach, D.G.(2000). Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Critical Review of the Theoretical and Empirical Literature and Suggestions for Future Research. Journal of Management, (3)26, 513-563.
Rezaei, Z., Shiri, A.(2014). Investigating the Flexibility of Resource Resources on Organizational Performance (Case Study: Ilam Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Companies. nternational Management Conference, 21st Century, (In Persian).
Robbins, S.P., Judge, T., & Campbell, T.T.(2010). Organizational Behaviour. Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Salehzadeh, R., Shahin, A., Kazemi, A., & Shaemi Barzoki, A. (2015). Is Organizational Citizenship Behavior an Attractive Behavior for Managers? A Kano Model Approach. Journal of Management Development, 34(5), 601-620.
Schermerhorn, J.R., Hunt, J.G. & osburn, R.N.(2010). Organizational Behavior, New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Sekhar, C., Patwardhan, M., & Vyas, V.(2016). A Study of HR Flexibility and Firm Performance: A Perspective from ITS Industry. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 17(1), 57-75.
Seyfi Saladahi, M. H., Kashechian, H., & Ehsani, M.(2012). The Effect of Entrepreneurial Structure on Organizational Effectiveness in the Physical Education Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Sport Management Studies, 13, 236-255, (In Persian).
Seyyed Naghavi, M., Haghighi Kafash, M., & Najafi Koliani, V. (2012). The Flexibility of Human Resources and Organizational Performance in the Insurance Industry. Improvement and Development Management Studies, 22, (In Persian).
Seyyed Naghavi, M., Haghighi Kafash, M., & Najafi Kellani., V.(2011). Flexibility of the Organization's Resources and Performance in the Insurance Industry. Quarterly Journal of Improvement and Development Management Studies, 22(67), 129-153, (In Persian).
Sharafi, V., & Mohammad Yari, Z.(2012). Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Performance Using Structured Equation Modeling: Case Study of Elam Bank's Farmers Branch Staff. Second International Management Conference, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, (In Persian).
Snow, C.C., & Snell, S.A.(1993). Staffing as Strategy Personnel Selection in Organizations. CA: Jossey-Bass.
Stokes, P., Moore, N., Moss, D., Mathews, M., Smith, S. M., & Liu, Y.(2015). The Micro-Dynamics of Intraorganizational and Individual Behavior and Their Role in Organizational Ambidexterity.
Tojari, F., & Shekhalizade, M.(2013). The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture on Organizational Effectiveness in Sports Organizations. Sport Management Studies, 1(17), 43-58.
Úbeda-García, M., Claver-Cortés, E., Marco-Lajara, B., & Zaragoza-Sáez, P.(2017). Human Resource Flexibility and Performance in the Hotel Industry: the Role of Organizational Ambidexterity. Personnel Review, 46(4).
Wen Wu, S.(2010). Linking Bayesian Networks and PLS Path Modeling for Causal Analysis Expert Systems with Applications, 37, 134-139.
Wright, P. M., & Boswell, W.R.(2002). Desegregating HRM: A Review and Synthesis of Micro and Macro Human Resource Management Research. Journal of Management, 28, 247-276.
Wright, P., & Snell, S.(1998). Toward a Unifying Framework for Exploring Fit and Flexibility in Strategic Human Resource Management. Academy of Management Review, 23(4), 756-772.
Yang, Y., & Konard, A. M.(2011). Diversity and Organizational Innovation: The Role of Employee Involvement. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32, 1062-1083.
_||_Abbasi, R., Baba Shahi, J., Afkhami Ardakani, M., & Farahani, D. (2013). Investigating the Effect of Human Resource Flexibility on Organizational Entrepreneurship: Explaining the Mediating Role of the Culture of Adaptability. Organizational Culture Management Journal. 11(1), 87-106, (In Persian).
Ali Asgari, F.(2016). The Effect of Organizational Identity on the Relationship between Organizational Socialiability and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Master's Thesis, Tehran: Allameh Tabataba'i University, (In Persian).
Andrew, S.A., & León-Cázares, F.(2016). Mediating Effects of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Organizational Performance: Empirical Analysis of Public Employees in Guadalajara, Mexico. Econo Quantum, 12(2).
Anggraeni, A. I., Dwiatmadja, C., & Yuniawan, A.(2017). The Role of Psychological Contract on Employee Commitment and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour: A Study of Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs in Management Action. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 43.
Aryee, S., Walumbwa, F. O., Seidu, E. Y., & Otaye, L.E.(2016). Developing and Leveraging Human Capital Resource to Promote Service Quality: Testing a Theory of Performance. Journal of management, 42(2), 480-499.
Baker, P.(2016). Examining Leadership Style and Employee Engagement in Organization Citizenship Behaviors Toward the Ecological Environment.
Bazrafkan, S., & Ghaderi, S.(2016). Improving Organizational Effectiveness in the Light of Internal Contingency Factors. Strategic Management Studies, Strategic Management Association, 28, 191-210, (In Persian).
Beltran-Martin, I., Roca-Puig, V., Escrig-Tena, A., & Bou-Liusar, J. (2008). Human Resource Flexibility as a Mediating Variable between High Performance Work Systems and Performance. Journal of Management, 34, 1009-1044.
Bhattacharya, M., Gibson, D., & Doty, D.(2005). The Effect of Flexibility in Employee Skills, Employee Behaviors, and Human Resource Practice on Firm Performance. Journal of management, 31(4), 620-622.
Bolino, M. C., & Turnley, W.H.(2003). Going the Extra Mile: Cultivating and Managing Employee Citizenship Behavior. The Academy of Management Executive, 17(3), 60-71.
Camps, J., Oltra, V., Aldás‐Manzano, J., Buenaventura‐Vera, G., & Torres‐Carballo, F.(2016). Individual Performance in Turbulent Environments: The Role of Organizational Learning Capability and Employee Flexibility. Human Resource Management, 55(3), 363-383.
Castro, Barroso, C., Martín Armario, E., & Martín Ruiz, D.(2004). The Influence of Employee Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Customer Loyalty. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15(1), 27-53.
Chang, S., Gong, Y., Way, S. A., & Jia, L.(2013). Flexibility-Oriented HRM Systems, Absorptive Capacity, and Market Responsiveness and Firm Innovativeness. Journal of Management, 39(7), 1924-1951.
Charles, E. & Daniel, E.C.(2016). The Impact of Procedural Justice on Organizational International. Journal of Computer Applications. 133.
Chou, S.Y., & Garcia, D.C.(2011). Group Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Stages of Group Development. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(10).
De la, L., Fernández-Pérez, S., Martín-Alcázar, F., & Sánchez-Gardey, G.(2014). Functional Flexibility in Human Resource Management Systems: Conceptualization and Measurement. International Journal of Business Administration, 5(1), 1923-4015.
Dekas, K.H., Bauer, T.N., Welle, B., Kurkoski, J., & Sullivan, S. (2013). Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Version 2.0: A Review and Qualitative Investigation of Ocbs for Knowledge Workers at Google and Beyond. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 27(3), 219-237.
Do, B.R., Do, B.R., Yeh, P.W., Yeh, P.W., Madsen, J., & Madsen, J.(2016). Exploring the Relationship among Human Resource Flexibility, Organizational Innovation and Adaptability Culture. Chinese Management Studies, 10(4), 657-674.
Dyer, L., & Ericksen, J.(2005). In Pursuit of Marketplace Agility: Applying Precepts of Self‐Organizing Systems to Optimize Human Resource Scalability. Human Resource Management, 44(2), 183-188.
Eldridge, D., & Nisar, T.M.(2006). The Significance of Employee Skill in Flexible Work Organizations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(5), 918-937.
Fallon, T., & Brinkerhoff, R.(1996). Framework for Organizational Effectiveness. The American Society for Training and Development International Conference.
Fornell, C., & Larcker, D.F.(1981). Evaluating Structural Equatin Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 39-50.
Fraser, K., & Hvolby, H.(2010). Effective Teamwork: Can Functional Flexibility Act as an Enhancing Factor. Journal of Team Performance Management, 16, 12, 74-79.
Gerwin, D.(1993). Manufacturing Flexibility: A Strategic Perspective. Management Science, 39(4), 395-410.
Gupta, Y. P., & Goyal, S.(1989). Flexibility of the Manufacturing System: Concepts and Measurement. European Journal of Operations Research, 43, 119-35.
Hadjali, H. R., & Salimi, M.(2012). An Investigation on the Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCB) Toward Customer-orientation: A Case of Nursing Home. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 57, 524-532.
Harsi, P., Blanchard, K., & Goldsmith, M.(1996). Management of Organizational Behavior. Translated by: Gh., Kabiri, Tehran: Tehran University Publication, (In Persian).
Hitt, M. A., Keats, B. W., & DeMarie, S.M.(1998). Navigating in the New Competitive Landscape: Building Strategic Flexibility and Competitive Advantage in the 21st Century. Academy of Management Executive, 12(4), 22-42.
Hoy, W., & Miskel, C.(2014). Educational Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice. Translated by: S. M. M., Abbaszadeh, and Urmia: Urmia University Press, (In Persian).
Iroca‐Puig, V.(2013). Promoting Employee Flexibility Through HR Practices. Human Resource Management, 52(5), 645-674.
Jafari, S.A., & Mohammadi R.(2011). Measuring Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) in Iranian Tile Industry Using Pls Path Modeling Technique Middle-East. Journal of Scientific Research, 8(1), 141-149.
Kernodle, T.A.(2007). Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Hierarchical Linear Modeling Study, Phd Thesis.
Ketkar, S., & Sett, P.(2009). HR Flexibility and Firm Performance: Analysis of a Multi-level Causal Model. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(5), 1009-1038.
Kumary, I., & Pradham, R.(2014). Human Resource Flexibility and Organization Effectiveness: Role of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Employee Intent to stay. Inteernational Journal of business and Management invention, 3(11), 43-51.
LePine, J. A., Colquitt, J. A., & Erez, A.(2000). Adaptability to Changing Task Contexts: Effects of General Cognitive Ability, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience. Personnel Psychology, 53(3), 563-593.
Moadab, N., Mohammadi, E., & Keshvarzian, V.(2013). The Relationship between Organizational Effectiveness and Control Structure of Heads of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Sadra Medical Science Journal, 1, 87-94, (In Persian).
Nasiri F., Ghanbari, S., Zandi, K., Seifpanahi, S.(2014). The Survey of Relationship between Ethical Leadership, Spirituality at Work and Burnout. Ethics in Science and Technology, 9(1), 1-11, (In Persian).
Nazari, R., Ehsani, M., Gangoei, F., & Ghasemi, H.(2013). Structural Equation Modeling Effective Communication Skills in Interpersonal Communication and the Role of Sports Managers on Organizational Effectiveness Iran. Sport Management Journal, 5(4), 67-82, (In Persian).
Ngoa, H., & Loi, R.(2008). Human Resource Flexibility, Organizational Culture and Firm Performance: An Investigation of Multinational Firms in Hung Kong. The Journal of Human Resource Management, 19, 1654-1666.
Organ, D.W.(2006). Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Good Soldier Syndrome. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Owor, J.J.(2016). Human Resource Management Practices, Employee Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behaviours in Selected Firms in Uganda. African Journal of Business Management, 10(1).
Perezgar, A.A., Aghajani, Afroozi, M.M., & Rabi'i A.(2013). Advanced Research Methodology in Applied Management. Tehran: Publication of Payame Noor University, (In Persian).
Podsakoff, N.P., Whiting, S.W., Podsakoff, P.M., & Blume, B.D.(2009). Individual and Organizational Level Consequences of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Meta Analysis. J Appl Psychol, 94(1), 122-41.
Podsakoff, P.M., MacKenzie, S.B., Paine, J.B., & Bacharach, D.G.(2000). Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Critical Review of the Theoretical and Empirical Literature and Suggestions for Future Research. Journal of Management, (3)26, 513-563.
Rezaei, Z., Shiri, A.(2014). Investigating the Flexibility of Resource Resources on Organizational Performance (Case Study: Ilam Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Companies. nternational Management Conference, 21st Century, (In Persian).
Robbins, S.P., Judge, T., & Campbell, T.T.(2010). Organizational Behaviour. Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Salehzadeh, R., Shahin, A., Kazemi, A., & Shaemi Barzoki, A. (2015). Is Organizational Citizenship Behavior an Attractive Behavior for Managers? A Kano Model Approach. Journal of Management Development, 34(5), 601-620.
Schermerhorn, J.R., Hunt, J.G. & osburn, R.N.(2010). Organizational Behavior, New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Sekhar, C., Patwardhan, M., & Vyas, V.(2016). A Study of HR Flexibility and Firm Performance: A Perspective from ITS Industry. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 17(1), 57-75.
Seyfi Saladahi, M. H., Kashechian, H., & Ehsani, M.(2012). The Effect of Entrepreneurial Structure on Organizational Effectiveness in the Physical Education Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Sport Management Studies, 13, 236-255, (In Persian).
Seyyed Naghavi, M., Haghighi Kafash, M., & Najafi Koliani, V. (2012). The Flexibility of Human Resources and Organizational Performance in the Insurance Industry. Improvement and Development Management Studies, 22, (In Persian).
Seyyed Naghavi, M., Haghighi Kafash, M., & Najafi Kellani., V.(2011). Flexibility of the Organization's Resources and Performance in the Insurance Industry. Quarterly Journal of Improvement and Development Management Studies, 22(67), 129-153, (In Persian).
Sharafi, V., & Mohammad Yari, Z.(2012). Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Performance Using Structured Equation Modeling: Case Study of Elam Bank's Farmers Branch Staff. Second International Management Conference, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, (In Persian).
Snow, C.C., & Snell, S.A.(1993). Staffing as Strategy Personnel Selection in Organizations. CA: Jossey-Bass.
Stokes, P., Moore, N., Moss, D., Mathews, M., Smith, S. M., & Liu, Y.(2015). The Micro-Dynamics of Intraorganizational and Individual Behavior and Their Role in Organizational Ambidexterity.
Tojari, F., & Shekhalizade, M.(2013). The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture on Organizational Effectiveness in Sports Organizations. Sport Management Studies, 1(17), 43-58.
Úbeda-García, M., Claver-Cortés, E., Marco-Lajara, B., & Zaragoza-Sáez, P.(2017). Human Resource Flexibility and Performance in the Hotel Industry: the Role of Organizational Ambidexterity. Personnel Review, 46(4).
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Wright, P. M., & Boswell, W.R.(2002). Desegregating HRM: A Review and Synthesis of Micro and Macro Human Resource Management Research. Journal of Management, 28, 247-276.
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