Explaining the Pattern of Identifying Urban Brands in the Direction of Developing Culture-based Tourism )Case study: Tabriz City)
الموضوعات : Space Ontology International Journal
Asghar Molaei
Kasra Ketabollahi
1 - Department of Urban Planning , Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Iran
2 - Department of Architecture and Urban Study, Polytechnic University, Milan, Italy
الکلمات المفتاحية: Tourism, Tabriz, City Brand, Urban Development and Architecture,
ملخص المقالة :
Urban branding is an important topic in the fields of urban planning; architectural signs; natural and geographical factors; events and occurrences; It is considered mass media. Considering the importance of this issue in urban identity building, tourism, and urban economy, the current research aims to investigate important options at the level of Tabriz metropolis based on the criteria identified in this area and to specify the brand for one of the most important cities in northwest Iran.Therefore, using the snowball sampling method, 50 experts were identified in this field and the eleven criteria of the research included "Historical Landscape, Ritual Landscape, Cultural Landscape, Symbolic Landscape, Narrative Landscape, and Common Memories, Facilities and Services, Access, Economic Affordability, significance, personality and reputation, readability" based on 3 components "identity, function, distinction" were asked for 15 important elements of Tabriz in a qualitative rating scale of seven FUZZY degrees.By using the method of positive and negative preference, the aforementioned criteria, people's opinions were entered into the MsExcel software, and by calculating the steps of the FUZZY TOPSIS method, they were visualized graphically in the ArcMap software, and finally, the historical market of Tabriz, Eynali Collection and Eel Goli Park was assigned the first to third options in the branding of the city.
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