Public and professional perceptions of interior architecture discipline: A comparative analysis of stereotypes
الموضوعات : Space Ontology International Journal
Pariya Mohammadi
Parastoo Eshrati
1 - School of Architecture, Collage of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - School of architecture, college of fine arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Academic discipline, Interior Architecture, Stereotypes, University and society interactions,
ملخص المقالة :
The public's perception of interior architecture is crucial for graduates' recognition and job assignments. However, graduates' self-perception, influenced by education, may differ from public view, posing career challenges. By examining public and professional perceptions and identifying existing gaps, this research aims to enhance an accurate understanding of the field to improve graduates' career prospects. To achieve this goal, relevant domains were identified through literature review: "refurbishment", "safety", "economy", "sustainability", "function", "innovation", and "aesthetics". Then, the two groups were surveyed using a mixed questionnaire that included open-ended, multiple-choice, and Likert scale questions. Data analysis involved mixed methods, combining the Comparative Method for Themes Saturation for qualitative questions as well as descriptive and statistical analysis for quantitative questions. The results show that the public holds "exaggerated" decoration-oriented perceptions. Graduates exhibit some misalignment; viewing the public "negatively" but having a "positive" perception of privileged clients. Additionally, students are "positive" about the job market, while experienced professionals are more "negative". Both groups prioritize the 'Functional' domain, while undervaluing structural reinforcement and building installation upgrades within "Refurbishment" domain. Notably, the "economy" stands out as a key difference between the groups; graduates recognize their significant role in cost reduction, while the public dismisses it. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests show no difference in high importance of "innovation" and "aesthetics"for both groups, and gender, education, referral experience, and work experience have no impact on the perceptions. Considering the obtained results, promoting the discipline, revising the curriculum, and aligning perceptions in society, academia, and the job market are crucial.
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