شناسایی ابعاد و مولفه های مؤثر وتعیین کننده در طراحی مدل سیستم مدیریت ایمنی و بهداشت شغلی در سازمانهای دولتی ایران
الموضوعات :
esmaeil kahoori pour
Aflatoon Amiri
Saeed Sayadi
1 - Department of Management, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Department of Public Management, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
3 - Department of Public Management, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
تاريخ الإرسال : 01 الإثنين , محرم, 1443
تاريخ التأكيد : 30 الأحد , رمضان, 1443
تاريخ الإصدار : 17 السبت , ذو الحجة, 1443
الکلمات المفتاحية:
سازمانهای دولتی,
الگوی بهینه,
استان کرمان,
سیستم مدیریت ایمنی و بهداشت شغلی,
ملخص المقالة :
هدف این تحقیق، شناسایی ابعاد و مولفههای مؤثرو تعیین کننده در طراحی مدل سیستم مدیریت ایمنی و بهداشت شغلی جهت سازمانهای دولتی ایران می باشد. این پژوهش از نظر غایت، پژوهشی کاربردی می باشد و در زمره تحقیقات کاربردی توسعه ای قرار دارد. جامعه آماری این پژوهش را دو گروه تشکیل می دهند.گروه اول تعداد 30نفر از خبرگان و گروه دوم را کلیه کارکنان سازمانهای دولتی استان کرمان به حجم 77528 نفر میباشندکه حجم نمونه در این حوزه با استفاده از فرمول کوکران به تعداد 384 نفر تعیین گردید. ابزار پژوهش، پرسشنامه محقق ساخته می باشدکه روایی آن توسط خبرگان تاییده شده و پایایی آن نیز مورد تایید قرار گرفته بطوریکه پایایی عناصر فضای سازمان0.994، مدیریت و رهبری 0.738، طرحریزی و سازماندهی 0.779، استقرار و اجرا0.971، ارزیابی 0.785 و بازنگری و اقدام برای بهبود 0.939 می باشد. داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزارspss و Smart Pls مورد تجزیه تحلیل قرار گرفتهاند. مدل تحقیق برازش داده شده نشان میدهدکه همه عناصر شامل مدیریت و رهبری، طرح ریزی و سازماندهی، استقرار و اجرا، ارزیابی و بازنگری و اقدام برای بهبود بر سیستم مدیریت ایمنی و بهداشت شغلی تاثیر معنی داری دارند و کلیه مؤلفه ها بجزء یکپارچگی مکانیکی بر عناصر مربوطه تاثیری معنی داری دارند. با توجه به جامعیت تحقیق، نتایج این تحقیق می تواند به عنوان ابزاری برای توانمندسازی مدیران در زمینه دانش روز سیستم مدیریت ایمنی و بهداشت شغلی و استقرار آن در سازمانهای دولتی بشمار آید.
AhmadVand, A.M., Azizi, L., & Bastan, M. (2020), Dynamic Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Occupational Health and Safety Management System Development Policies, Journal of Strategic Management Studies, No. 41[Persian]. [Persian]
Alamshahi, A. H. (2009). Safety Management Techniques (Techniques and Elements) (1st Ed.). Tehran: Fan Avaran. [Persian]
Ammari, A. (1999). Guidelines for Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems, Minister of Labour, http:// www. Jicosh.gr.jp/English/guideline/oshms.html
Asady, , Mazloumi, A., Zarif Yeganeh, M., Hosseini, M., Haghshenas, M., & Hajizade- Moghadam, P. (2017). Financial Estimate of productivity loss due to work- related deaths in Iran.JHSW.; 7(1):53-62. [Persian]
Asghari Zadeh, E., Qasemi, A. R., Jafarzadeh, M. T., & Behrouz, M. S. (2012). Evaluation and Rating of Optimal Safety Management System. Industrial Management Perspective (7). pp. 124-103. [Persian]
Basahel, , &Taylan, O. (2016). Using fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS approaches for assessing safety conditions at worksites in construction industry. Int JSaf Secur Engin.; 6(4):728-45.
British Standards Group/Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS 18001). (2007). London W4 4AL, UK.
Center for Strategic Studies and Studies of the Ports and Maritime Organization. (2016). One Hundred Tips on Port Safety (Marine and Port Selection), Behbood 3 Magazine, Electronic Printing, First Time, Tehran: Ports and Maritime Organization.
Erickson, K. (2013). Methods of risk analysis in system safety, Translators: Dr. Shirazeh Arqami, Dr. Yahya Khosravi, Engineer Mohammad Reza Hassan Beigi, Engineer Mirdavood Sidi, first edition, Publisher: Khatam Al-Anbia Construction Company.
Fernandez-Muniz, B., Montes-Peón, JM., & Vazquez-Ordas, CJ. (2009). Relation between occupational safety management and firm performance. Safety science. 47(7):980-91. 30.
George, S. (2000). Safety culture and effective safety management, National safety council 1.
Ghadirian, D., Fallahzadeh, R., & Fattahi, A. (2017). Safety, Health, Environment in the staff of Hozan Health Network, Second Year No. 4. [Persian]
Golmohammadi, A. (2010). Introduction to Industrial Safety Engineering: Safety Management (1st, Ed.). Tehran: sepidbarg. [Persian]
Golmohammadi, A. (2014). Key Elements and Indicators in Occupational Safety and Health Management. (1st, Ed.) Tehran: Ordibehesht. [Persian]
Hosseinian, M. R. (2018). International Standard ISO 4500. Iran Industrial Training & Research Center Publications (1st, Ed.). [Persian]
Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems, ILO-OSH 2001. 2ed. International Labour Office, Geneva. (2009).Available at: http:// www. ilo.org/safework/info/standards-and-instruments / WCMS_ 107727/Lang—en/index.htm
Industrial Accident Prevention Association (IAPA). (2004). Management Systems Occupationl Health and Safety: The Road Ahead, pp1, 6, 7.
International Labor Organization (ILO-OSH 2001). (2001). Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems, PP V IX.
Kacich, M. (2018). Establishing a Safety Conscious Work Environment-How Important Is It? (No. LA-UR-18-27743). Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States).
Kahouri pour, E., Amiri, A., & Sayadi, S. (2020). Occupational Safety and Health Management System, Factors Affecting the Feasibility of Its Establishment, Published: Mashhad: Aristotle, First Edition
Kousha, A., & Pariyani, A. (2017). Basic Employee Health Service Package, Publication. Ordered by Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Deputy of Health, Office of Non-Communicable Disease Management. Tehran: Mojasame. [Persian].
Kowal, B., Wiśniowski, R., Ogrodnik, R., & Młynarczykowska, A. (2019). Selected Elements of a Safe Work Environment in Hard Coal Mines in the Polish Mining Sector. Inżynieria Mineralna; 21
Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Affairs. (2019). Executive instructions for the safety regulations of contracting affairs, taken on 2019, taken from the site https://shenasname.ir/tec/peymankari/5018-149064.
Mohammadfam, I., Kamalinia, M., Golmohammadi, R., Momeni, M., Hamidi, Y., & Soltanian, A. (2016, April and May). Providing a Framework for Performance Evaluation of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Using Multi-Character Decision Making Methods. Bimonthly Iranian Journal of Occupational Health, 14(1). [Persian]
Mohammadfam, I., Rahimi, D., Mouedi, M.A., & Behzadi, M., (2015). Assessment of Occupational Safety and Health Management Performance Using Total Quality Safety Management Model (TQSM). Bimonthly Tolo Health Biomedical Journal of Yazd Faculty of Public Health, 14(4). [Persian]
Norouzi, M. A., Jahangiri, M., Chubineh, A., & Nariman Nejad, A. (2012, October and November). Comparative Study of Process Safety Management System (PSM) Requirements with OHSAS18001 and HSE Systems (OH&S) and its Implementation in a Company Petrochemical Company of Iran. Journal of Health System Research, 8(4). [Persian]
OHSAS 18001, (2007). Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems “Requirements. 2nd ed. OHSAS Project Group, London, ISBN 9780580508028
OSHA Directves. (1996). “8.1 a- Revised V oluntary protection programs (VPP) plicies and procedures Manual”, Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Patankar, M., & Sabin, J. (2010). The Safety Culture Perspective. In: Salas, E. and Maurino D. (Eds.) (2011). Human Factors in Aviation. Oxford, UK: Elsevier
Podgorski, (2015). Measuring operational performance of OSH management system–A demonstration of AHP-based selection of leading key performance indicators. Safety science.;73: 146-66.
Pourselman, M., Kazemi Moghadam, V., & Derakhshan Jazari, M. (2015) "Investigation of the Effect of Establishing Health, Safety and Environmental Management System on Improving Safety Performance Indices of Urea and Ammonia Petrochemical Company", Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Volume 5, Number 3. [Persian]
Rajaprasad, SVS., & Chalapathi, PV. (2015). “Factors Influencing Implementation of OHSAS 18001 in Indian Construction Organizations: Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach”, Saf Health Work;6:200-205
Silla, I., Navajas, J., & Koves, GK. (2017). Organizational culture and a safety-conscious work environment: the mediating role of employee communication satisfaction. Journal of safety research; 61, 121-127.
Sklad, A. (2019). Assessing the impact of processes on the Occupational Safety and Health Management System’s effectiveness using the fuzzy cognitive maps approach, Safety Science 117, 71–80.
Stackhouse, M., &Turner, N. (2019). How do organizational practices relate to perceived system safety effectiveness? Perceptions of safety climate and co-worker commitment to safety as workplace safety signals. Journal of Safety Research.; (1): 325-342
Statistics and Strategic Information Center of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare, Statistical Monthly– (December 2020). https://ssicenter.mcls.gov.ir/fa/digitallibrary.
Sui, , Ding, R., & Wang, H. (2018). An integrated management system for occupational health and safety and environment in an operating nuclear power plant in East China and its management information system. J Clean Prod. 10;183: 261 -71
Vassie, L.H., & Lucas, W.R. (2001). An assessment of health and safety management within working groups in the UK manufacturing sector, Journal of Safety Research, 32, 479– 490.
Yarahmadi, R., Moridi, H., Farshad, A A., &Taheri, F. (2020). Weighing and Prioritizing the Eight Principles of Integrated Health, Safety, Environment and Energy Management in Industries Covered by the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade. ioh.; 17 (1) :126-135. [Persian]
Yarahmadi, R., Shahkohi, F., & Taheri F. (2016). Priority of Occupational Safety and Health indexes Based on the Multi Criteria Decision Making in Construction Industries. Iran Occup Health. 1;12(6):39-47
Yarmohammadi, F., & Varshosaz, K. (2013). The effect of establishing occupational safety and health management system on the accident index in ports, the second national conference on environmental protection and planning, August 2013
AhmadVand, A.M., Azizi, L., & Bastan, M. (2020), Dynamic Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Occupational Health and Safety Management System Development Policies, Journal of Strategic Management Studies, No. 41[Persian]. [Persian]
Alamshahi, A. H. (2009). Safety Management Techniques (Techniques and Elements) (1st Ed.). Tehran: Fan Avaran. [Persian]
Ammari, A. (1999). Guidelines for Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems, Minister of Labour, http:// www. Jicosh.gr.jp/English/guideline/oshms.html
Asady, , Mazloumi, A., Zarif Yeganeh, M., Hosseini, M., Haghshenas, M., & Hajizade- Moghadam, P. (2017). Financial Estimate of productivity loss due to work- related deaths in Iran.JHSW.; 7(1):53-62. [Persian]
Asghari Zadeh, E., Qasemi, A. R., Jafarzadeh, M. T., & Behrouz, M. S. (2012). Evaluation and Rating of Optimal Safety Management System. Industrial Management Perspective (7). pp. 124-103. [Persian]
Basahel, , &Taylan, O. (2016). Using fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS approaches for assessing safety conditions at worksites in construction industry. Int JSaf Secur Engin.; 6(4):728-45.
British Standards Group/Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS 18001). (2007). London W4 4AL, UK.
Center for Strategic Studies and Studies of the Ports and Maritime Organization. (2016). One Hundred Tips on Port Safety (Marine and Port Selection), Behbood 3 Magazine, Electronic Printing, First Time, Tehran: Ports and Maritime Organization.
Erickson, K. (2013). Methods of risk analysis in system safety, Translators: Dr. Shirazeh Arqami, Dr. Yahya Khosravi, Engineer Mohammad Reza Hassan Beigi, Engineer Mirdavood Sidi, first edition, Publisher: Khatam Al-Anbia Construction Company.
Fernandez-Muniz, B., Montes-Peón, JM., & Vazquez-Ordas, CJ. (2009). Relation between occupational safety management and firm performance. Safety science. 47(7):980-91. 30.
George, S. (2000). Safety culture and effective safety management, National safety council 1.
Ghadirian, D., Fallahzadeh, R., & Fattahi, A. (2017). Safety, Health, Environment in the staff of Hozan Health Network, Second Year No. 4. [Persian]
Golmohammadi, A. (2010). Introduction to Industrial Safety Engineering: Safety Management (1st, Ed.). Tehran: sepidbarg. [Persian]
Golmohammadi, A. (2014). Key Elements and Indicators in Occupational Safety and Health Management. (1st, Ed.) Tehran: Ordibehesht. [Persian]
Hosseinian, M. R. (2018). International Standard ISO 4500. Iran Industrial Training & Research Center Publications (1st, Ed.). [Persian]
Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems, ILO-OSH 2001. 2ed. International Labour Office, Geneva. (2009).Available at: http:// www. ilo.org/safework/info/standards-and-instruments / WCMS_ 107727/Lang—en/index.htm
Industrial Accident Prevention Association (IAPA). (2004). Management Systems Occupationl Health and Safety: The Road Ahead, pp1, 6, 7.
International Labor Organization (ILO-OSH 2001). (2001). Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems, PP V IX.
Kacich, M. (2018). Establishing a Safety Conscious Work Environment-How Important Is It? (No. LA-UR-18-27743). Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States).
Kahouri pour, E., Amiri, A., & Sayadi, S. (2020). Occupational Safety and Health Management System, Factors Affecting the Feasibility of Its Establishment, Published: Mashhad: Aristotle, First Edition
Kousha, A., & Pariyani, A. (2017). Basic Employee Health Service Package, Publication. Ordered by Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Deputy of Health, Office of Non-Communicable Disease Management. Tehran: Mojasame. [Persian].
Kowal, B., Wiśniowski, R., Ogrodnik, R., & Młynarczykowska, A. (2019). Selected Elements of a Safe Work Environment in Hard Coal Mines in the Polish Mining Sector. Inżynieria Mineralna; 21
Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Affairs. (2019). Executive instructions for the safety regulations of contracting affairs, taken on 2019, taken from the site https://shenasname.ir/tec/peymankari/5018-149064.
Mohammadfam, I., Kamalinia, M., Golmohammadi, R., Momeni, M., Hamidi, Y., & Soltanian, A. (2016, April and May). Providing a Framework for Performance Evaluation of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Using Multi-Character Decision Making Methods. Bimonthly Iranian Journal of Occupational Health, 14(1). [Persian]
Mohammadfam, I., Rahimi, D., Mouedi, M.A., & Behzadi, M., (2015). Assessment of Occupational Safety and Health Management Performance Using Total Quality Safety Management Model (TQSM). Bimonthly Tolo Health Biomedical Journal of Yazd Faculty of Public Health, 14(4). [Persian]
Norouzi, M. A., Jahangiri, M., Chubineh, A., & Nariman Nejad, A. (2012, October and November). Comparative Study of Process Safety Management System (PSM) Requirements with OHSAS18001 and HSE Systems (OH&S) and its Implementation in a Company Petrochemical Company of Iran. Journal of Health System Research, 8(4). [Persian]
OHSAS 18001, (2007). Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems “Requirements. 2nd ed. OHSAS Project Group, London, ISBN 9780580508028
OSHA Directves. (1996). “8.1 a- Revised V oluntary protection programs (VPP) plicies and procedures Manual”, Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Patankar, M., & Sabin, J. (2010). The Safety Culture Perspective. In: Salas, E. and Maurino D. (Eds.) (2011). Human Factors in Aviation. Oxford, UK: Elsevier
Podgorski, (2015). Measuring operational performance of OSH management system–A demonstration of AHP-based selection of leading key performance indicators. Safety science.;73: 146-66.
Pourselman, M., Kazemi Moghadam, V., & Derakhshan Jazari, M. (2015) "Investigation of the Effect of Establishing Health, Safety and Environmental Management System on Improving Safety Performance Indices of Urea and Ammonia Petrochemical Company", Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Volume 5, Number 3. [Persian]
Rajaprasad, SVS., & Chalapathi, PV. (2015). “Factors Influencing Implementation of OHSAS 18001 in Indian Construction Organizations: Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach”, Saf Health Work;6:200-205
Silla, I., Navajas, J., & Koves, GK. (2017). Organizational culture and a safety-conscious work environment: the mediating role of employee communication satisfaction. Journal of safety research; 61, 121-127.
Sklad, A. (2019). Assessing the impact of processes on the Occupational Safety and Health Management System’s effectiveness using the fuzzy cognitive maps approach, Safety Science 117, 71–80.
Stackhouse, M., &Turner, N. (2019). How do organizational practices relate to perceived system safety effectiveness? Perceptions of safety climate and co-worker commitment to safety as workplace safety signals. Journal of Safety Research.; (1): 325-342
Statistics and Strategic Information Center of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare, Statistical Monthly– (December 2020). https://ssicenter.mcls.gov.ir/fa/digitallibrary.
Sui, , Ding, R., & Wang, H. (2018). An integrated management system for occupational health and safety and environment in an operating nuclear power plant in East China and its management information system. J Clean Prod. 10;183: 261 -71
Vassie, L.H., & Lucas, W.R. (2001). An assessment of health and safety management within working groups in the UK manufacturing sector, Journal of Safety Research, 32, 479– 490.
Yarahmadi, R., Moridi, H., Farshad, A A., &Taheri, F. (2020). Weighing and Prioritizing the Eight Principles of Integrated Health, Safety, Environment and Energy Management in Industries Covered by the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade. ioh.; 17 (1) :126-135. [Persian]
Yarahmadi, R., Shahkohi, F., & Taheri F. (2016). Priority of Occupational Safety and Health indexes Based on the Multi Criteria Decision Making in Construction Industries. Iran Occup Health. 1;12(6):39-47
Yarmohammadi, F., & Varshosaz, K. (2013). The effect of establishing occupational safety and health management system on the accident index in ports, the second national conference on environmental protection and planning, August 2013