Educational Technology in Language Learning: Analyzing Advanced EFL Learners’ Perception on the Use of Technology at Language Institute
الموضوعات : نکرش جدید در یادگیری زبان انکلیسی
1 - Department of English Language, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: ICT, Perception, EFL learners, Educational Technology, ,
ملخص المقالة :
The present study made an attempt to investigate advanced EFL learners' perception in a private language institute on the use of technology. It also analyzed the possible difference between the EFL learners' perceptions in terms of their genders. To do this, a quantitative study based on survey data and a structured interview was conducted. A group of 88 learners, 44 males, and 44 females made up the subjects. These learners had already studied in the institute using some technological devices; thus, they were familiar with the use of these devices in the language class. The questionnaire was distributed among the participants during their class time and soon after it, they were collected and submitted for analysis using SPSS. Afterwards, the participants were interviewed for cross validation purpose. The results of the study proved that the learners, both males and females, had positive perception towards the use of technology in their language class. In addition, all of the question items without much differences between them supported the positive effect of using different aspects of technology in the language class. In other words, both genders expressed the same type of attitudes towards the given ideas and not much difference could be observed between them. Findings of the present work can suggest the usefulness and practicality of educational technology in the area of language teaching and learning.
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