Learning Styles and Attention Control; the Case of Iranian Female EFL Learners
الموضوعات : Research in English Language PedagogyHamid Gholami 1 , Ensieh Aramesh 2 , Samira Golshani 3
1 - Department of ELT, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran
2 - Department of ELT, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran
3 - Department of ELT, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Grasha-Richmann student learning styles scale, learning style, Attentional control, Victoria Stroop Test, EFL learner,
ملخص المقالة :
This study aimed to find out the most dominant learning style among Iranian EFL learners and the potential differences in attention control of the learners with various learning styles. In doing so, the Grasha-Richmann scale and a Victoria Stroop test were applied. A one-way ANOVA and then a post hoc test was run to find out the possible differences among learners with various learning styles in terms of attention control. The findings revealed the most preferred style was the Independent style, by contrast, the participative was the least frequent one. In addition, the avoidant learning style was not found in EFL learners' preferences. A one-way ANOVA test was run to find out the attentional control differences in learners with various styles. The results indicated a significant difference among learners in terms of attention control and also language learners with independent learning styles performed better on the attentional control test.
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