English Students' Attitudes Towards Using Flipped Classrooms in Language Learning at Hebron University
الموضوعات : Research in English Language Pedagogy
Mohammed Farrah
Ahlam Qawasmeh
1 - English Department, Faculty of Arts, Hebron University, Palestine
2 - English Department, Faculty of Arts, Hebron University, Palestine
الکلمات المفتاحية: Blended learning, flipped classroom, Face-to-Face,
ملخص المقالة :
The technology of the flipped classroom is an innovation that allows learners to maximize their participation, increase their motivation, and improve their critical thinking and communication skills. This study investigated the attitudes of English major students in Hebron University towards the flipped classroom during the second semester of the academic year 2017/2018. A qualitative and quantitative method was adopted as this study used both questionnaires and interviews. A total of 150 pre- service teachers enrolled in this study and responded to the questionnaire. Moreover, a total of 10 pre-service teachers enrolled in this study and responded to the interviews. A questionnaire was used to show the general attitudes of the students towards using flipped classroom. Interviews were administered to reveal the general attitudes of the students towards the difficulties and the solutions. Findings of the study reported that the flipped classroom promotes more learner autonomy and self-direction. Moreover, that the participants considered the flipped classroom exciting, motivating, and engaging. Finally, the researchers concluded with some recommendations for educators to include the flipped classroom technology to create better learning opportunities for their students and to achieve better learning outcomes.
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