مدلسازی اثرات احتمالی لایروبی کانال خزینی بر زمان تجدیدپذیری آب در خلیج گرگان، جنوب شرق دریای کاسپی
الموضوعات :
سعید شربتی
سورنا نسیمی
1 - مربی هیات علمی دانشکده شیلات دانشگاه علوم کشاورزی گرگان
2 - استادیار دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد بندرگز
تاريخ الإرسال : 29 الإثنين , رجب, 1436
تاريخ التأكيد : 13 الأربعاء , رجب, 1437
تاريخ الإصدار : 04 الأربعاء , رجب, 1439
الکلمات المفتاحية:
مدل سازی بوم شناختی,
زمان تجدیدپذیری,
خلیج گرگان,
کانال خزینی,
مایک21 افام,
ملخص المقالة :
زمینه و هدف: زمان تجدیدپذیری آب از شاخص های مهم جهت برآورد میزان سلامتی بوم سازگان های دریایی محسوب می گردد. کانال خزینی دومین راه ارتباطی خلیج گرگان با دریای کاسپی بوده است که در سال های اخیر با کاهش سطح تراز آب دریا و رژیم رسوب گذاری مسدود گردیده است. در این پژوهش جهت مدل سازی اثرات احتمالی لایروبی کانال خزینی بر زمان تجدیدپذیری آب در خلیج گرگان نسبت به اجرای به هنگام دو ماژول هیدرودینامیکی و انتقال-پخش مدل دو بعدی مایک21 اف ام اقدام گردیده است.
روش بررسی: مدل سازی ها بر روی دو شبکه بی ساختار مثلثی، تحت دو شرایط مرزی باز مختلف و با در نظر گرفتن تنش باد، نوسان آب در دهانه آشورآده-بندرترکمن و کانال خزینی، ورودی رودخانه ها، بارش و تبخیر در طی دوره شاخص اجرا گردید. به منظور تعیین میزان ضریب پخش در خلیج گرگان نسبت به مدل سازی شوری با استفاده از ماژول انتقال -پخش مدل مایک 21 اف ام اقدام گردید.
یافته ها: نتایج مدل سازی دو بعدی شوری نشان داد که بهترین ضرایب پخش در خلیج گرگان معادل 350 متر مربع بر ثانیه می باشد. نتایج محاسبه میزان تجدیدپذیری کل آب در خلیج تحت شرایط انسداد کانال خزینی معادل 54 روز و لایروبی کانالی به عرض 170 متر معادل 41 روز بود.
بحث و نتیجه گیری: مناسب ترین زمان برای مدل سازی زمان تجدیدپذیری آب در خلیج گرگان، آغاز روند رو به افزایش درون سالیانه سطح آب در دریای کاسپی می باشد. مقادیر تجدیدپذیری به رژیم هیدرودینامیک و ضریب پخش شوری در خلیج گرگان وابسته می باشد. با توجه به الگوی پادساعت گرد گردش عمومی آب در خلیج گرگان لایروبی کانال خزینی می تواند زمان تجدیدپذیری کل را تا 13 روز کاهش دهد.
Huang, W., Chen, X., Flannery, M.S., 2011. Critical flow for water management in a shallow tidal river based on estuarine residence time, Journal of Water Resource Management. 25, 2367-2385.
Monsen, N.E., Cloern, J.E., Lucas, L.V., Stephen, G.M., 2002. A Comment on the Use of Flushing Time, Residence Time, and Age as Transport Time Scales. Limnology and Oceanography. 47(5), 1545-1553.
Manoj, N.T., 2012. Estimation of Flushing Time in a Monsoonal Estuary using Observational and Numerical Approaches. Journal of Natural Hazards. 64, 1323-1339.
Shaha, D.C., Cho, Y.K., Kim, T.W., Valle-Levinson, A., 2012. Spatio-Temporal Variation of Flushing Time in the Sumjin River Estuary. Terrestrial. Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences. 23(1), 119-130.
Ji, Z.G., Hu, G., Shen, J., Wan, Y., 2007. Three-dimensional modeling of hydrodynamic processes in the St. Lucie Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 73, 188-200.
S.Moore, W., O.Blanton, J., B.Joye, S., 2006. Estimates of flushing times, submarine groundwater discharge, and nutrient fluxes to Okatee Estuary, South Carolina. Geophysical Research. 111, 1-14.
Umgiesser, G., Canu, D.M., Cucco, A., Solidoro, C.A., 2004. Finite element model for the Venice Lagoon. Development, set up, calibration and validation. Journal of Marine Systems. 51(4), 123-145.
Gillibrand, P.A., 2001. Calculating exchange times in a Scottish fjord using a two-dimensional, laterally-averaged numerical model. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 53, 437–449.
De Brye, B., de Brauwere, A., Gourgue, O., Delhez, E., Deleersnijder, E., 2012. Water renewal timescales in the Scheldt Estuary. Marine Systems. 94, 74–86.
Huang, W., 2007. Hydrodynamic modeling of flushing time in a small estuary of North Bay, Florida, USA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 74, 722-731.
Ouillon, S., Fraunie, P., Jouon, A., Douillet, P., 2006. Calculations of hydrodynamic time parameters in a semi-opened coastal zone using a 3D hydrodynamic model. Continental Shelf Research. 26, 1395–1415.
Sheldon, J.E., Alber, M., 2006. The Calculation of Estuarine Turnover Times Using Freshwater Fraction and Tidal Prism Models: A Critical Evaluation. Estuaries and Coasts. 29(1), 133–146.
Stamou, I., Katsiris, I.K., Moutzouris, C.I., Tsoukala, V.K., 2004. Improvement of marina design technology using hydrodynamic models. Global Network of Environmental Science and Technology. 6(1), 63-72.
Sadrinasab, M., Kampf, J., 2004. Three-dimensional flushing times of the Persian Gulf. Geophysical Research Letters, 31, 301-305.
Darvishsefat, A., 2006. Atlas of protected areas of Iran. Assistance of ecology and biodiversity. Iranian Environmental Protection Organization. 157p.
Shahryari, A., Kabir, M.J. Golfirozy, K. 2008. Evaluation of microbial pollution of Caspian Sea at the Gorgan Gulf. Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences. 10(2): 69-73. (in Persian)
Ghangherme, A.A. 2012. Fluctuations in the Caspian Sea and environmental factors affecting it. Report of the research project, National Center for Caspian Sea Studies, 117p. (in Persian)
Manual of MIKE21 FM. 2007. Coastal Hydraulic and Oceanography Hydrodynamic Module. Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI Software). pp. 74-85.
Gross, E.S., Bonaventura, L., Rosatti, G., 2002. Consistency with Continuity in Conservative Advective Schemes for Free Surface Models. Numerical Methods in Fluids. 38, 307-327.
Sako Consulting Engineers, 2007, Bandaretorkman port complementary studies, Report of the research project, 68 p. (in Persian)
Smith, S.D., Bank, G., 2007. Variation of the sea drag coefficient with wind speed. Meteorological Society, 101, 665-673.
Mohammadkhani, H., 2012. Preparation and implementation of Gorgan Bay aquaculture. Report of the research project. Water Reservoir Research Center of Gorgan, second chapter, hydrologic section, 314 p. (in Persian)
Lahijani, H., Ardakani, H.A., Bani-Naderi, E.M. 2009. Sedimentary and Geochemical Indices of Gorgan Bay sediments. Journal of Oceanography, 1(1): 45-55. (in Persian)
Dix, J.K., Lambkin, D.O., Cazenave, P.W., 2007. Development of a Regional Sediment Mobility Model for Submerged Archaeological Sites. University of Southampton, English Heritage ALSF Report number: 5224, 14p
Smagorinsky, J., 1963. General circulation Experiments with the primitive equations, Monthly Weather Review. 91, 91-164.
Vanderborght, J.P., Folmer, I.M., Aguilera, D.R., Uhrenholdt, T., Regnier, P., 2007. Reactive-transport modelling of C, N, and O2 in a river–estuarine–coastal zone system: Application to the Scheldt estuary, Journal of Marine Chemistry, 106, 92-110.
Arneborg, L., 2004. Turnover times for the water above sill level in Gullmar Fjord. Continental Shelf Research. 24, 443–460.
Koutitonski, V.G., Guyondet, T., A., Courtenay, S.C., Bohgen, A., 2004. Water Renewal Estimates for Aquaculture Developments in the Richibucto Estuary, Canada. Estuaries. 27(5), 839–850.
Rahimipour, H. 2005. Hydrodynamic study of flow and prediction of erosion and sedimentation pattern in Gorgan Bay. Report of the research project, Jihad Water and Energy Research Co, 246 p. (in Persian)
Morovati, H., Torabiazad, M., and Mehrfar, H. 2009. Study and formulation of heat budget under severe winds in Gorgan Bay, Journal of Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University, 63: 19-31. (in Persian)
Sharbaty, S., and Hoseini, S.S. 2010. Two-Dimensional Simulation of the Gorgan Bay Flow Pattern during a One-Year Period, Research Report. Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 29p. (in Persian)
Shabani, A., Sharbaty, S., and Hoseini, S.S. 2012. Simulation of the effects of retrieval of the creeping channel on the flow pattern in the Gorgan Bay, Research Report. Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 95p. (in Persian)
Brenes, C.L., Hernandez, A., Ballesteros, D., 2007. Flushing time in Perlas Lagoon and Bluefields Bay, Nicaragua. Investigations Marinas. 35(1), 89-96.
Wang, Y., Ridd, P.V., Heron, M.L., Stieglitz, T.C., Orpin, A.L., 2007. Flushing time of solutes and pollutants in the central Great Barrier Reef lagoon, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research. 58, 778–791.
Trowbridge, P., 2007. Hydrologic Parameters for New Hampshire’s Estuaries. Technical Report, NHEP Coastal Scientist, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.172 p.
Herzfeld, M., Parslow, J., Andrewartha, J., Sakov, P., Webster, I.T., 2004. Hydrodynamic Modelling of the Port Curtis Region, National Library of Australia, Report number: 7, 51 p.
Huang, W., Chen, X., Flannery, M.S., 2011. Critical flow for water management in a shallow tidal river based on estuarine residence time, Journal of Water Resource Management. 25, 2367-2385.
Monsen, N.E., Cloern, J.E., Lucas, L.V., Stephen, G.M., 2002. A Comment on the Use of Flushing Time, Residence Time, and Age as Transport Time Scales. Limnology and Oceanography. 47(5), 1545-1553.
Manoj, N.T., 2012. Estimation of Flushing Time in a Monsoonal Estuary using Observational and Numerical Approaches. Journal of Natural Hazards. 64, 1323-1339.
Shaha, D.C., Cho, Y.K., Kim, T.W., Valle-Levinson, A., 2012. Spatio-Temporal Variation of Flushing Time in the Sumjin River Estuary. Terrestrial. Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences. 23(1), 119-130.
Ji, Z.G., Hu, G., Shen, J., Wan, Y., 2007. Three-dimensional modeling of hydrodynamic processes in the St. Lucie Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 73, 188-200.
S.Moore, W., O.Blanton, J., B.Joye, S., 2006. Estimates of flushing times, submarine groundwater discharge, and nutrient fluxes to Okatee Estuary, South Carolina. Geophysical Research. 111, 1-14.
Umgiesser, G., Canu, D.M., Cucco, A., Solidoro, C.A., 2004. Finite element model for the Venice Lagoon. Development, set up, calibration and validation. Journal of Marine Systems. 51(4), 123-145.
Gillibrand, P.A., 2001. Calculating exchange times in a Scottish fjord using a two-dimensional, laterally-averaged numerical model. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 53, 437–449.
De Brye, B., de Brauwere, A., Gourgue, O., Delhez, E., Deleersnijder, E., 2012. Water renewal timescales in the Scheldt Estuary. Marine Systems. 94, 74–86.
Huang, W., 2007. Hydrodynamic modeling of flushing time in a small estuary of North Bay, Florida, USA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 74, 722-731.
Ouillon, S., Fraunie, P., Jouon, A., Douillet, P., 2006. Calculations of hydrodynamic time parameters in a semi-opened coastal zone using a 3D hydrodynamic model. Continental Shelf Research. 26, 1395–1415.
Sheldon, J.E., Alber, M., 2006. The Calculation of Estuarine Turnover Times Using Freshwater Fraction and Tidal Prism Models: A Critical Evaluation. Estuaries and Coasts. 29(1), 133–146.
Stamou, I., Katsiris, I.K., Moutzouris, C.I., Tsoukala, V.K., 2004. Improvement of marina design technology using hydrodynamic models. Global Network of Environmental Science and Technology. 6(1), 63-72.
Sadrinasab, M., Kampf, J., 2004. Three-dimensional flushing times of the Persian Gulf. Geophysical Research Letters, 31, 301-305.
Darvishsefat, A., 2006. Atlas of protected areas of Iran. Assistance of ecology and biodiversity. Iranian Environmental Protection Organization. 157p.
Shahryari, A., Kabir, M.J. Golfirozy, K. 2008. Evaluation of microbial pollution of Caspian Sea at the Gorgan Gulf. Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences. 10(2): 69-73. (in Persian)
Ghangherme, A.A. 2012. Fluctuations in the Caspian Sea and environmental factors affecting it. Report of the research project, National Center for Caspian Sea Studies, 117p. (in Persian)
Manual of MIKE21 FM. 2007. Coastal Hydraulic and Oceanography Hydrodynamic Module. Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI Software). pp. 74-85.
Gross, E.S., Bonaventura, L., Rosatti, G., 2002. Consistency with Continuity in Conservative Advective Schemes for Free Surface Models. Numerical Methods in Fluids. 38, 307-327.
Sako Consulting Engineers, 2007, Bandaretorkman port complementary studies, Report of the research project, 68 p. (in Persian)
Smith, S.D., Bank, G., 2007. Variation of the sea drag coefficient with wind speed. Meteorological Society, 101, 665-673.
Mohammadkhani, H., 2012. Preparation and implementation of Gorgan Bay aquaculture. Report of the research project. Water Reservoir Research Center of Gorgan, second chapter, hydrologic section, 314 p. (in Persian)
Lahijani, H., Ardakani, H.A., Bani-Naderi, E.M. 2009. Sedimentary and Geochemical Indices of Gorgan Bay sediments. Journal of Oceanography, 1(1): 45-55. (in Persian)
Dix, J.K., Lambkin, D.O., Cazenave, P.W., 2007. Development of a Regional Sediment Mobility Model for Submerged Archaeological Sites. University of Southampton, English Heritage ALSF Report number: 5224, 14p
Smagorinsky, J., 1963. General circulation Experiments with the primitive equations, Monthly Weather Review. 91, 91-164.
Vanderborght, J.P., Folmer, I.M., Aguilera, D.R., Uhrenholdt, T., Regnier, P., 2007. Reactive-transport modelling of C, N, and O2 in a river–estuarine–coastal zone system: Application to the Scheldt estuary, Journal of Marine Chemistry, 106, 92-110.
Arneborg, L., 2004. Turnover times for the water above sill level in Gullmar Fjord. Continental Shelf Research. 24, 443–460.
Koutitonski, V.G., Guyondet, T., A., Courtenay, S.C., Bohgen, A., 2004. Water Renewal Estimates for Aquaculture Developments in the Richibucto Estuary, Canada. Estuaries. 27(5), 839–850.
Rahimipour, H. 2005. Hydrodynamic study of flow and prediction of erosion and sedimentation pattern in Gorgan Bay. Report of the research project, Jihad Water and Energy Research Co, 246 p. (in Persian)
Morovati, H., Torabiazad, M., and Mehrfar, H. 2009. Study and formulation of heat budget under severe winds in Gorgan Bay, Journal of Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University, 63: 19-31. (in Persian)
Sharbaty, S., and Hoseini, S.S. 2010. Two-Dimensional Simulation of the Gorgan Bay Flow Pattern during a One-Year Period, Research Report. Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 29p. (in Persian)
Shabani, A., Sharbaty, S., and Hoseini, S.S. 2012. Simulation of the effects of retrieval of the creeping channel on the flow pattern in the Gorgan Bay, Research Report. Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 95p. (in Persian)
Brenes, C.L., Hernandez, A., Ballesteros, D., 2007. Flushing time in Perlas Lagoon and Bluefields Bay, Nicaragua. Investigations Marinas. 35(1), 89-96.
Wang, Y., Ridd, P.V., Heron, M.L., Stieglitz, T.C., Orpin, A.L., 2007. Flushing time of solutes and pollutants in the central Great Barrier Reef lagoon, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research. 58, 778–791.
Trowbridge, P., 2007. Hydrologic Parameters for New Hampshire’s Estuaries. Technical Report, NHEP Coastal Scientist, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.172 p.
Herzfeld, M., Parslow, J., Andrewartha, J., Sakov, P., Webster, I.T., 2004. Hydrodynamic Modelling of the Port Curtis Region, National Library of Australia, Report number: 7, 51 p.