تأثیر تغییر کاربری اراضی از جنگل به زراعت و رهاسازی از زراعت بر خصوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک در اکوسیستم جنگل زاگرس (مطالعه موردی: پارک جنگلی چغاسبز، استان ایلام)
الموضوعات :مسعود بازگیر 1 , مهدی حیدری 2 , نسیم زینلی 3 , مهرداد کهزادیان 4
1 - استادیار گروه مهندسی خاک و آب، دانشکده کشاورزی، دانشگاه ایلام
2 - استادیار گروه علوم جنگل، دانشکده کشاورزی، دانشگاه ایلام
3 - دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد گروه علوم جنگل، دانشکده کشاورزی، دانشگاه ایلام
4 - کارشناس ارشد اداره کل منابع طبیعی ایلام
الکلمات المفتاحية: زراعت, جنگل زاگرس, تخریب, ایلام, خصوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک,
ملخص المقالة :
زمینه و هدف: جنگل زدایی و تغییر کاربری جنگل ها به اکوسیستم های ساده یک بحران جهانی است و این مشکل در آسیا در طی قرن بیستم افزایش یافته است. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی اثر تغییر کاربری از جنگل به زراعت و رهاسازی از زراعت بر خصوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک در اکوسیتم جنگلی زاگرس است.روش بررسی: مناطق مشابه از نظر شرایط فیزیوگرافی با حداکثر اختلاف ارتفاع از سطح دریای 150 متر و فاصله کمتر از 3 کیلومتر شامل جنگل بدون سابقه تخریب (شاهد)، رهاسازی بلند مدت از زراعت و زراعت دایر در نظر گرفته شد.یافته ها: نتایج آنالیز واریانس یکطرفه نشان داد، کلیه خصوصیات خاک مورد مطالعه برای حالت های مورد بررسی دارای اختلاف معنی داری بودند. بیشترین مقدار میزان کربن آلی، ازت، فسفر، و پتاسیم در منطقه شاهد و رهاسازی از زراعت دیده شد. نتایج تحلیل مؤلفه های اصلی (PCA) نشان داد که مناطق شاهد و رهاسازی بلندمدت از زراعت با جهت مشابهی از محورها همبستگی دارند که این نشان دهنده شباهت خصوصیات ادافیکی این کاربری ها است.بحث و نتیجه گیری: نتایج نشان دادکه تغییر کاربری اراضی در جنگل های زاگرس بر خصنوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک اثر منفی دارد. با حفاظت بلندمدت پس از تخریب حاصل از تغییر کاربری، خصوصیات خاک اصلاح پیدا می کند. پایش اثر مدیریت اجرایی مانند مدیریت حفاظتی بر خصوصیات خاک بر اساس فاصله قطعات نمونه با استفاده از تحلیل مؤلفه های اصلی امکان پذیر است.
- Bastida, F., Moreno J.L., Hernández, T., García, C., 2007. The long-term effects of the management of a forest soil on its carbon content, microbial biomass and activity under a semi-arid climate. Applied Soil Ecology, Vol. 37, pp. 53-62.
- Heineman, K.D., Caballero, P., Morris, A., Velasquez, C., Serrano, K., Ramos, N., Gonzalez, J., Mayorga, L., Corre, M.D., Dalling J.W., 2015. Variation in Canopy Litterfall Along a Precipitation and Soil Fertility Gradient in a Panamanian Lower Montane Forest. Biotropica, Vol. 47, pp. 300-309.
- Schua, K., Wende, S., Wagner, S., Feger, K., 2015. Soil Chemical and Microbial Properties in a Mixed Stand of Spruce and Birch in the Ore Mountains (Germany)—A Case Study. Forests, Vol. 6, pp. 1949-1965.
- Chuluun, T. Ojmia, D., 2002. Land use change and carbon cycle in arid land use east and central Asia. Science in china, Vol. 45, pp. 48-54.
- Ward, D.S., Mahowald, N.M., Kloster, S., 2014. Potential climate forcing of land use and land cover change. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 14, pp. 12701–12724.
- Zandi, L., Erfanzadeh, R. Joneidi Jafari, H., 2016. Rangeland use change to agriculture has different effects on soil organic matter fractions depending on the type of cultivation. Land degradation and development, Vol. 28, pp. 175-180.
- Heydari, M., Pourbabaei, H., Esmaelzade, O., Pothier, D. Salehi, A., 2013. Germination characteristics and diversity of soil seed banks and above-ground vegetation in disturbed and undisturbed oak forests. Forest Science and Practice, Vol. 15, pp. 286-301.
- Celik, I., 2005. Land-use effects on organic matter and physical properties of soil in a southern mediterranean highland of Turkey. Soil Tillage Research, Vol. 83, pp. 270-277.
- Zeng, D.H., Hu, Y.L., Chang, S.X., Fan, Z.P., 2009. Land cover change effects on soil chemical and biological properties after planting Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) in sandy lands in Keerqin, northeastern China. Plant Soil, Vol. 317, pp. 121–133.
- Ito S., Nakayama R. and Buckley G.P. 2004. Effects of previous land-use on plant species diversity in semi natural plantation forests in a warm-temperate region in south-eastern Kyushu, Japan. Forest Ecology and Management, Vol.196, pp. 213-235.
- Eshaghi Rad, J., Heidari, M., Mahdavi, A., Zeinivandzadeh M., 2011. Impact of recreational activities on vegetation and soil in forest park (Case study: Choghasabz forest park-Ilam). Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 3, pp. 71-80. (In Persian)
- Wu W., Yang, P., Tang, H., Ongaro, L., Ryosuke, R., 2007. Regional variability of the Effects of land use systems on soil properties. Agricultural sciences in China, Vol. 6, pp.:1309-1375.
- Ajami, M., Khormali, F., 2006. The role of organic matter in soil health improvement with prehistory of forest land use. The 2nd national conference of agricultural ecology of Iran, Gorgan, Iran. (In Persian)
- Jafarian, Z., Shabanzadeh, S., Kavian, A., Shokri, M., 2011. Study Changes of Soil Physical and Chemical Characteristics in Three Adjacent Land Use Including Forest, Rangeland and Agricultural Land. Renewable Natural Resource Research, Vol. 2, pp. 60-71. (In Persian)
- Ward, D.S., Mahowald, N.M., Kloster, S., 2014. Potential climate forcing of land use and land cover change. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 14, pp. 12701–12724.
- Blake, G. R., Hartage, K.H., 1986. Bulk Density. In: A. Klute (ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1. Physical and Mineralogical Methods- Agronomy Monograph 9 (2nd Edition).
- Famiglietti, J.J., Rudnicki, Rodell, M., 1998. Variability in surface moisture content along a hillslope transect: Rattlesnake Hill, Texas, Vol. 210, pp. 259-281.
- Kalra, Y.P., Maynard, D.G., 1991. Methods manual for forest soil and plant analysis. For. Can., Northwest Reg., North. For. Cen., Edmonton, AB. Inf. Rep. NOR-X-311.
- Jafari Haghighi, M., 2003. Methods of soil analysis: Sampling and important physical and chemical analyses with emphasis on theoretical and applied principles). Neda Zahi, Sari, Iran.
- Bray, R.H., Kurtz, L.T., 1945. Determination of total organic and available forms of phosphorus in soils. Soil Science, Vol. 59, pp. 39-45.
- Bremmer, J.M., Mvaney, C.S., 1982. Nitrogen total. In: Page AL et al (eds) Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and microbiological properties 9. American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Madison.
- Martinez-Mena, M., Lopez, J., Almagro, M., Boix-Fayos, V., Albaladejo, J., 2008. Effect of Water Erosion and Cultivation on the Soil Carbon Stock in a Semiarid Area of South-East Spain. Soil and Tillage Research, Vol. 99, pp. 119-129.
- Ingram, L.J., Stahl, P.D., Schuman, G.E., 2008. Grazing impact on soil carbon and microbial communities in a mixed-grass ecosystem. Soil Science Society of America. Vol. 72, pp. 939-948.
- Lemenih, M., Itanna, F., 2004. Soil Carbon Stock and Turnovers in Various Vegetation Types and Arable Lands along an Elevation Gradient in Southern Ethiopia. Geoderma, Vol. 123, pp.177–188.
- Six, J., Paustian, K., Elliott, E.T., Combrink, C., 2000. Soil Structure and Organic Matter, I. Distribution of Aggregate-size Classes and Aggregate-Associated Carbon, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 64, pp. 681–689.
- Niknahad Gharmakher, H., Maramaei, M., 2011. Effects of land use changes on soil properties (Case Study: the Kechik catchment). Journal of Soil Management and Sustainable, Vol. 1, pp. 81-96. (In Persian)
- Meng, Q., Fu, B., Tang, X., Ren, H., 2008. Effect of land use on phosphorus loss in the hilly area of the Loess Plateau, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 139, pp.195-204.
- Carnol, M., Bazgir, M., 2013. Nutrient return to the forest floor through litter and throughfall under 7 forest after conversion from Norway spruce. Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 309, pp. 66-75.
- Wang, J.G., Zhang, F.S., Zhang, X.L., Cao, Y.P., 2000. Release of potassium from K-bearing minerals: Effect of plant roots under P deficiency. Nutr. Cycling in Agroecosys. Vol. 56, pp. 45-52.
- Dahlgren, R.A., Horwath, W.R., Tate, K.W., Camping, T.J., 2003. Blue oak enhances soil quality in California oak woodlands. California Agriculture, Vol. 57, pp. 42-47.
- Jafari, M., Sarmadian, F., 2002. Soil science and soil taxonomy. Tehran University Press. Tehran, Iran.
- Klemmedson, J.O., 1991. Oak influence on nutrient availability in pine forests of central Arizona. Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 55, pp. 248-253.
- Dahlgren, R., Singer, M.J., 1991. Nutrient cycling in managed and unmanaged oak woodland grass ecosystems. Symposium on Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangeland Management. Gen. Tech. Rpt. PSW-126. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA.
- Noorbakhsh, F., Afyuni, M., 2000. Estimation of Field Capacity and Permanent Wilting Point from Some Soil Physical and Chemical Properties. Journal of Water and Soil Science, Vol. 4, pp. 1-9. (In Persian)
- Bewket, W., Stroosnijder, I., 2003. Effects of Agro-ecological Land Use Succession onSoil Properties in Chemoga Watershed, Blue Nil Basins, Ethiopia. Geoderma, Vol. 111, pp. 85-95.
- Puyet, P., Lal, R., 2005. Soil organic carbon and nitrogen in a mollisol in central Ohioas affected by tillage and land use. Soil & Tillage Research, Vol. 8, pp. 201–213.
- Yao, M., Augui, P., 2010. Effects of Land Use Types on Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Mid-West Côte d’Ivoire. European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 40, pp. 211-222.
- Emadi, M., Baghernejad, M., Fathi, H., Saffari, M. 2008. Effect of land use change on selected soil physical and chemical properties in North Highlands of Iran. Journal of Applied sciences, Vol. 8, pp. 496- 502. (In Persian)
- Ellert, B.H., Gregorich, E.G., 1996. Storage of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorusin cultivated and adjacent forested soils of Ontario. Soil Science, Vol. 161, pp. 1-17.
- Bastida, F., Moreno J.L., Hernández, T., García, C., 2007. The long-term effects of the management of a forest soil on its carbon content, microbial biomass and activity under a semi-arid climate. Applied Soil Ecology, Vol. 37, pp. 53-62.
- Heineman, K.D., Caballero, P., Morris, A., Velasquez, C., Serrano, K., Ramos, N., Gonzalez, J., Mayorga, L., Corre, M.D., Dalling J.W., 2015. Variation in Canopy Litterfall Along a Precipitation and Soil Fertility Gradient in a Panamanian Lower Montane Forest. Biotropica, Vol. 47, pp. 300-309.
- Schua, K., Wende, S., Wagner, S., Feger, K., 2015. Soil Chemical and Microbial Properties in a Mixed Stand of Spruce and Birch in the Ore Mountains (Germany)—A Case Study. Forests, Vol. 6, pp. 1949-1965.
- Chuluun, T. Ojmia, D., 2002. Land use change and carbon cycle in arid land use east and central Asia. Science in china, Vol. 45, pp. 48-54.
- Ward, D.S., Mahowald, N.M., Kloster, S., 2014. Potential climate forcing of land use and land cover change. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 14, pp. 12701–12724.
- Zandi, L., Erfanzadeh, R. Joneidi Jafari, H., 2016. Rangeland use change to agriculture has different effects on soil organic matter fractions depending on the type of cultivation. Land degradation and development, Vol. 28, pp. 175-180.
- Heydari, M., Pourbabaei, H., Esmaelzade, O., Pothier, D. Salehi, A., 2013. Germination characteristics and diversity of soil seed banks and above-ground vegetation in disturbed and undisturbed oak forests. Forest Science and Practice, Vol. 15, pp. 286-301.
- Celik, I., 2005. Land-use effects on organic matter and physical properties of soil in a southern mediterranean highland of Turkey. Soil Tillage Research, Vol. 83, pp. 270-277.
- Zeng, D.H., Hu, Y.L., Chang, S.X., Fan, Z.P., 2009. Land cover change effects on soil chemical and biological properties after planting Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) in sandy lands in Keerqin, northeastern China. Plant Soil, Vol. 317, pp. 121–133.
- Ito S., Nakayama R. and Buckley G.P. 2004. Effects of previous land-use on plant species diversity in semi natural plantation forests in a warm-temperate region in south-eastern Kyushu, Japan. Forest Ecology and Management, Vol.196, pp. 213-235.
- Eshaghi Rad, J., Heidari, M., Mahdavi, A., Zeinivandzadeh M., 2011. Impact of recreational activities on vegetation and soil in forest park (Case study: Choghasabz forest park-Ilam). Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol. 3, pp. 71-80. (In Persian)
- Wu W., Yang, P., Tang, H., Ongaro, L., Ryosuke, R., 2007. Regional variability of the Effects of land use systems on soil properties. Agricultural sciences in China, Vol. 6, pp.:1309-1375.
- Ajami, M., Khormali, F., 2006. The role of organic matter in soil health improvement with prehistory of forest land use. The 2nd national conference of agricultural ecology of Iran, Gorgan, Iran. (In Persian)
- Jafarian, Z., Shabanzadeh, S., Kavian, A., Shokri, M., 2011. Study Changes of Soil Physical and Chemical Characteristics in Three Adjacent Land Use Including Forest, Rangeland and Agricultural Land. Renewable Natural Resource Research, Vol. 2, pp. 60-71. (In Persian)
- Ward, D.S., Mahowald, N.M., Kloster, S., 2014. Potential climate forcing of land use and land cover change. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 14, pp. 12701–12724.
- Blake, G. R., Hartage, K.H., 1986. Bulk Density. In: A. Klute (ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1. Physical and Mineralogical Methods- Agronomy Monograph 9 (2nd Edition).
- Famiglietti, J.J., Rudnicki, Rodell, M., 1998. Variability in surface moisture content along a hillslope transect: Rattlesnake Hill, Texas, Vol. 210, pp. 259-281.
- Kalra, Y.P., Maynard, D.G., 1991. Methods manual for forest soil and plant analysis. For. Can., Northwest Reg., North. For. Cen., Edmonton, AB. Inf. Rep. NOR-X-311.
- Jafari Haghighi, M., 2003. Methods of soil analysis: Sampling and important physical and chemical analyses with emphasis on theoretical and applied principles). Neda Zahi, Sari, Iran.
- Bray, R.H., Kurtz, L.T., 1945. Determination of total organic and available forms of phosphorus in soils. Soil Science, Vol. 59, pp. 39-45.
- Bremmer, J.M., Mvaney, C.S., 1982. Nitrogen total. In: Page AL et al (eds) Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and microbiological properties 9. American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Madison.
- Martinez-Mena, M., Lopez, J., Almagro, M., Boix-Fayos, V., Albaladejo, J., 2008. Effect of Water Erosion and Cultivation on the Soil Carbon Stock in a Semiarid Area of South-East Spain. Soil and Tillage Research, Vol. 99, pp. 119-129.
- Ingram, L.J., Stahl, P.D., Schuman, G.E., 2008. Grazing impact on soil carbon and microbial communities in a mixed-grass ecosystem. Soil Science Society of America. Vol. 72, pp. 939-948.
- Lemenih, M., Itanna, F., 2004. Soil Carbon Stock and Turnovers in Various Vegetation Types and Arable Lands along an Elevation Gradient in Southern Ethiopia. Geoderma, Vol. 123, pp.177–188.
- Six, J., Paustian, K., Elliott, E.T., Combrink, C., 2000. Soil Structure and Organic Matter, I. Distribution of Aggregate-size Classes and Aggregate-Associated Carbon, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 64, pp. 681–689.
- Niknahad Gharmakher, H., Maramaei, M., 2011. Effects of land use changes on soil properties (Case Study: the Kechik catchment). Journal of Soil Management and Sustainable, Vol. 1, pp. 81-96. (In Persian)
- Meng, Q., Fu, B., Tang, X., Ren, H., 2008. Effect of land use on phosphorus loss in the hilly area of the Loess Plateau, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 139, pp.195-204.
- Carnol, M., Bazgir, M., 2013. Nutrient return to the forest floor through litter and throughfall under 7 forest after conversion from Norway spruce. Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 309, pp. 66-75.
- Wang, J.G., Zhang, F.S., Zhang, X.L., Cao, Y.P., 2000. Release of potassium from K-bearing minerals: Effect of plant roots under P deficiency. Nutr. Cycling in Agroecosys. Vol. 56, pp. 45-52.
- Dahlgren, R.A., Horwath, W.R., Tate, K.W., Camping, T.J., 2003. Blue oak enhances soil quality in California oak woodlands. California Agriculture, Vol. 57, pp. 42-47.
- Jafari, M., Sarmadian, F., 2002. Soil science and soil taxonomy. Tehran University Press. Tehran, Iran.
- Klemmedson, J.O., 1991. Oak influence on nutrient availability in pine forests of central Arizona. Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 55, pp. 248-253.
- Dahlgren, R., Singer, M.J., 1991. Nutrient cycling in managed and unmanaged oak woodland grass ecosystems. Symposium on Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangeland Management. Gen. Tech. Rpt. PSW-126. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA.
- Noorbakhsh, F., Afyuni, M., 2000. Estimation of Field Capacity and Permanent Wilting Point from Some Soil Physical and Chemical Properties. Journal of Water and Soil Science, Vol. 4, pp. 1-9. (In Persian)
- Bewket, W., Stroosnijder, I., 2003. Effects of Agro-ecological Land Use Succession onSoil Properties in Chemoga Watershed, Blue Nil Basins, Ethiopia. Geoderma, Vol. 111, pp. 85-95.
- Puyet, P., Lal, R., 2005. Soil organic carbon and nitrogen in a mollisol in central Ohioas affected by tillage and land use. Soil & Tillage Research, Vol. 8, pp. 201–213.
- Yao, M., Augui, P., 2010. Effects of Land Use Types on Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Mid-West Côte d’Ivoire. European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 40, pp. 211-222.
- Emadi, M., Baghernejad, M., Fathi, H., Saffari, M. 2008. Effect of land use change on selected soil physical and chemical properties in North Highlands of Iran. Journal of Applied sciences, Vol. 8, pp. 496- 502. (In Persian)
- Ellert, B.H., Gregorich, E.G., 1996. Storage of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorusin cultivated and adjacent forested soils of Ontario. Soil Science, Vol. 161, pp. 1-17.