طراحی مدل انتصابات مدیران با تأکید بر مدیریت استعداد در وزارت بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشکی ایران
الموضوعات :
رشید تورجی
صمد جباری اصل
نوروز ایزدپناه
1 - دانشجوی دکتری مدیریت منابع انسانی، واحد َآستارا، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، آستارا، ایران
2 - استادیار، گروه مدیریت منابع انسانی، واحد َآستارا، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، آستارا، ایران
3 - استادیار، گروه مدیریت منابع انسانی، واحد َآستارا، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، آستارا، ایران
الکلمات المفتاحية: وزارت بهداشت, انتصاب مدیران, مدیریت استعداد, درمان و آموزش پزشکی,
ملخص المقالة :
مقدمه: این مطالعه با هدف ارائه مدلی برای انتصاب مدیران با تأکید بر مدیریت استعداد در وزارت بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشکی انجام پذیرفت. روش پژوهش: این پژوهش به لحاظ هدف کاربردی و به لحاظ روش توصیفی - پیمایشی است و از نظر ابزار جز تحقیقات کیفی-کمی می باشد. گردآوری اطلاعات در سه مرحله طراحی مدل، سنتز مطالعات، انتخاب معیارهای مطلوب وزارت بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشکی انجام گردید و به صورت میدانی در بین 351 مدیر و کارکنان دانشگاههای علوم پزشکی کشور اجرا گردید. برای تجزیهوتحلیل دادهها از آمار توصیفی و استنباطی با استفاده از نرمافزار Spss و Amos نسخه 18 استفاده گردید. یافتهها: بر اساس یافتهها انتصاب مدیران با تأکید بر مدیریت استعداد در وزارت بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشکی در 5 بعد مورد بررسی است که متغیر توسعه استعداد با ضریب استاندارد 0/981 بالاترین رتبه و به ترتیب حفظ و نگهداری استعداد با ضریب استاندارد 0/944 در رتبه دوم و بهکارگیری استعداد با ضریب استاندارد 0/934 در رتبه سوم و جذب و استخدام نیروی مستعد با ضریب استاندارد 0/876 در رتبه چهارم و شناسایی و تفکیک کارکنان مستعد با ضریب استاندارد 0/649 در رتبه پنجم قرار دارد. نتیجهگیری: در مطالعه حاضر مدل انتصاب مدیران با در نظر گرفتن مدیریت استعداد در پنج بعد توسعه استعداد، حفظ و نگهداری استعداد، بهکارگیری استعداد، جذب و استخدام نیروی مستعد و شناسایی و تفکیک کارکنان مستعد برای سیاستگذاریها و تصمیمات مدیران ارائه می گردد.
1- Mitosis KD, Lamnisos D, Talias MA. Talent management in healthcare: A systematic qualitative review. Sustainability, 2021; 13(8): 4469.
2- Dries N, Marescaux E, van Zelderen A. Talent Management and Career Management. The Routledge Companion to Talent Management: Routledge; 2021: 265-79.
3- Ahmed HK, editor The impact of talent management on the competitive advantage in the organizations. Bein a paper presented at the International Conference, Abu Dhabi; 2016.
4- Doshmangir L, Rashidian A, Kouhi F, Gordeev VS. Setting health care services tariffs in Iran: half a century quest for a window of opportunity. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2020; 19(1): 1-14.
5- Shaffer FA, Bakhshi M, Dutka JT, Phillips J. Code for ethical international recruitment practices: the CGFNS alliance case study. Human resources for health, 2016; 14(1): 113-9.
6- Liu JX, Goryakin Y, Maeda A, Bruckner T, Scheffler R. Global health workforce labor market projections for 2030. Human resources for health, 2017; 15(1): 1-12.
7- King KA, Vaiman V. Enabling effective talent management through a macro-contingent approach: A framework for research and practice. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 2019; 22(3): 194-206.
8- Jooss S, Burbach R, Ruël H. Talent management innovations in the international hospitality industry. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited Ahead-of-print; 2021.
9- McDermott A, Keating M. Managing professionals: exploring the role of the hospital HR function. Journal of health organization and management; 2011.
10- Gallardo-Gallardo E, Moliner LA, Gallo P. Mapping collaboration networks in talent management research. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance; 2017.
11- Rastgoo P. The relationship of talent management and organizational development with job motivation of employees. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2016; 64(2): 653-62.
12- Guolami E, Taheri H. Problems of administrative structure in Iran. Tadbir, 2003; 1(144): 23-8. [Persian]
13- Gholipour A, Eftekhar N. Introducing a talent management model based on grounded theory (case study: telecom operator). Public Manag Res, 2017; 9(34): 59-90. [Persian]
14- Ulrich D, Smallwood N. What is talent? Leader to leader, 2012; 1(63): 55-61.
15- Goldsmith M, Carter L. Best practices in talent management: how the worlds leading corporations manage, develop, and retain top talent. Language, 2010; 30(303p): 25cm.
16- Silzer RF, Dowell B. Strategy-driven talent management: a leadership imperative. Language, 2010; 45(881p): 26cm.
17- Collings DG, Mellahi K. Strategic talent management: A review and research agenda. Human resource management review, 2009; 19(4): 304-13.
18- Berger LA. Talent Management: Handbook: MGH; 2020.
19- Goharrostami H, VAGHAR MS. Designing a Talent Management Model in Iranian Sport. Journal of Sport Management; 2021.
20- Zamanifard Z, Daraei M, Farahbakhsh S. Identifying and Validating the Components of the Teacher Talent Management Model. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Administration, 2021; 12(1).
21- Trost A. Talent relationship management: Competitive recruiting strategies in times of talent shortage: Springer Science & Business; 2014.
22- Hatum A. Next generation talent management: Talent management to survive turmoil: Palgrave Macmillan; 2010.
23- Marsh CJ. Integrative inquiry: The research synthesis. Forms of curriculum inquiry; 1991: 271-83.
24- Pelit A. Comparison of the models adopted regarding the training and appointment of school administrators (Turkey, France, Denmark and England sample). Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2013: Springer; 2015: 331-42.
25- Turabik T, Baskan GA, Kocak S. Certain developed countries’ school manager training models and in the light of these models suggestions for turkey's school manager training. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014; 131: 236-43.
26- Sağır M, Göksoy S, Ercan O. Views of school administrators regarding accreditation implementations in educational inspection. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014; 116: 1604-9.
27- Bayarystanova E, Arenova A, Nurmuhametova R. Education system management and professional competence of managers. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014; 140: 427-31.
28- Mabhudhu M. A comparative analysis of leadership and management at Jwaneng Diamond Mine: Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University; 2008.
29- Kroon B. A competency profile for outstanding leadership performance: Tilburg University; 2008.
30- Gonzalez SM. Improving human resources management: some practical questions and answers. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; 2004.
31- Piryaei H, Niknami M. A model for Improving Appointment and Promotion System of Staff and Line Managers in Education Department. Journal of Management and Planning In Educational System, 2017; 10(1): 9-28.
32- Davali M, Zamaheni M, Darvish H, Adel A. Designing a Model for Selecting Merit Executives. Journal of Research in Human Resources Management, 2017; 9(3): 97-123. [Persian]
33- Ranjbar M, Khaef Elahi A, Danaee Fard H, Fani A. Measurig competency model for managers in the health sector (structural equation modeling approach). Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 2014; 23(109): 104-13. [Persian]
34- Javaheri Zadeh E, Moghimi SM, Gholipour A, Tahmasebi R. Organizational Talent Management: Identify Indicators and Features of Key Employees. Organizational Culture Management, 2014; 12(2): 149-71. [Persian]
35- Ejtehadi M, Bafandeh Zendeh AR, Ghourchian NG, Jafari P, Talebi B. Presenting a model for rectors’ selection in Islamic Azad university branches based on Fuzzy logic. Journal of Instruction and Evaluation, 2010; 3(11): 7-28. [Persian]
36- Schumacker E, Lomax G. A Beginner's Guide to Structural Equation Modeling. 4th edtn. New York, NY: Routledge; 2016.
37- Alexopoulos D, Kalaitzidis I. Psychometric properties of Eysenck personality questionnaire-revised (EPQ-R) short scale in Greece. Personality and individual Differences, 2004; 37(6): 1205-20.
38- Rajabpour E, Chartab Moghadam J. Assessment Talent Management Strategy on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Knowledge Worker. Journal of Development & Evolution Mnagement, 2019; 1397(special issue): 109-17. [Persian]
39- Jokinen T. Global leadership competencies: a review and discussion. Journal of European industrial training; 2005.
40- Naderian M, Soltan Hoseini M. Technichal skills and abilities of sport executives (Indicators and standards, according to sport managers’ point of view. Sports Management and Motor Behaviour journal, 2012; 1(2): 11-8. [Persian]
41- Naderian M, Hoseini M. Technichal skills and abilities of sport executives (Indicators and standards, according to sport managers’ point of view. Contemporary Research in Sports Management, 2012; 1(2): 11-8. [Persian]
42- Goodarzi M, Nazari R, Ehsani M. Structural Equation Modeling of the influence of communication skills on Management skills between sport managers. Applied Research in Sport Management, 2012; 1(1): 11-20. [Persian]
43- Griffin R. Fundamentals of management: Cengage Learning; 2021.
44- Gentry WA, Harris LS, Baker BA, Leslie JB. Managerial skills: What has changed since the late 1980s. Leadership & Organization Development Journal; 2008.
45- Chong E. Managerial competency appraisal: A cross-cultural study of American and East Asian managers. Journal of Business Research, 2008; 61(3): 191-200.
46- Leinonen J, Juntunen P, editors. Leadership competences in changing local government. Conference paper-The European Group of Public Administration; 2007.
47- Weihrich H, Koontz H. Management: A global perspective: Tata McGraw-Hill; 2005.
48- Rao PS. Personnel and human resource management: Himalaya Publishing House; 2009.
49- Grant K, Maxwell G, Ogden S. Skills utilisation in Scotland: exploring the views of managers and employees. Employee Relations; 2014.
50- Qiao JX, Wang W. Managerial competencies for middle managers: some empirical findings from China. Journal of european industrial training; 2009.
51- Armstrong M. A handbook of human resource management practice: Kogan Page Publishers; 2006.
52- Kemali Y. The survey on the role of employees performance appraisal on meritocracy in organization. NAJA Human Resources, 2014; 5(37): 49-76. [Persian]
53- Farniya M, Ellahi I. Study of the relationship between in-service training with managers' performance. The Journal of Productivity Management, 2008; 2(3(6)): 173-83. [Persian]
54- Meyers MC, Van Woerkom M. The influence of underlying philosophies on talent management: Theory, implications for practice, and research agenda. Journal of World Business, 2014; 49(2): 192-203.
55- Boudreau JW, Ramstad PM. Talentship, talent segmentation, and sustainability: A new HR decision science paradigm for a new strategy definition. Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of Business Administration, The University of Michigan and in alliance with the Society of Human Resources Management, 2005; 44(2): 129-36.
56- Heinen JS, O'Neill C. Managing talent to maximize performance. Employment Relations Today, 2004; 31(2): 67.
57- Farley C. HR's role in talent management and driving business results. Employment Relations Today, 2005; 32(1): 55-61.
58- Lindner JR. Competency assessment and human resource management performance of county extension chairs. Journal of southern agricultural education research, 2001; 51(1): 333-46.
59- Murali A, Kumar SK. Knowledge Management and Human Resource Management (HRM): Importance of Integration. FIIB Business Review, 2014; 3(1): 3-10.
60- Dries N. The psychology of talent management: A review and research agenda. Human Resource Management Review, 2013; 23(4): 272-85.
61- Golec A, Kahya E. A fuzzy model for competency-based employee evaluation and selection. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2007; 52(1): 143-61.
62- Hajikarimi A, Soltani M. Study and Analysis of Talent Management Measures: A Case Study of Iran Machinery and Industrial Equipment Industry. Organizational Culture Management, 2011; 9(23): 95-116. [Persian]
63- Gelens J, Hofmans J, Dries N, Pepermans R. Talent management and organisational justice: Employee reactions to high potential identification. Human Resource Management Journal, 2014; 24(2): 159-75.
64- Stahl G, Björkman I, Farndale E, Morris SS, Paauwe J, Stiles P, et al. Six principles of effective global talent management. Sloan Management Review, 2012; 53(2): 25-42.
65- Duttagupta R. Identifying and managing your assets: Talent management. PricewaterhouseCoopers, London; 2005.
66- Gallardo EG. Disentangling the‗ talent ‘concept as applied to the world of work. A Dissertation, Departamentd Economiai Organitzaciód Empreses, Facultatd Economiai Empresa, Barcelona, 2013.
67- Worrall L, Cooper C. Management skills development: a perspective on current issues and setting the future agenda. Leadership & Organization Development Journal; 2001.
68- Michaelson M, Andreson J. Are You Just Calling Plays? Learning & Development: Talent Management Magazine ; 2010 [Available from: http:// talentmgt. com /learnin & development/ 2010/ october/ 1326/ index.php. .
69- Guthrie G, Wright J. Competing payment schemes. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 2007; 55(1): 37-67.
70- Hiltrop J-M. The quest for the best: human resource practices to attract and retain talent. European Management Journal, 1999; 17(4): 422-30.
71- Satiani B, Sena J, Ruberg R, Ellison EC. Talent management and physician leadership training is essential for preparing tomorrow's physician leaders. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2014; 59(2): 542-6.
72- Gay M, Sims D. Future talent development: a practical guide to talent management and succession planning. Tehran: Saramad Publication; 2009. [Persian]
73- Lyria RK. Effect of talent management on organizational performance in companies listed in Nairobi securities exchange in Kenya; 2015.
74- Hossinpour D, Manteghi M, Malekmohamadi S. Investigating the Role of Talent Management in Organization's Intellectual Capital Development: A Case Study of Iran's PANHA. Innovation management journal, 2015; 4(3): 97-118. [Persian]
75- Nilsson S, Ellström PE. Employability and talent management: challenges for HRD practices. European Journal of Training and Development; 2012.
76- Beheshti Zavareh F, Soltani I, Nilipour Tabatabie S. Designing a Competency Model for Managers for Organizational Profitability, Case study: Tehran railway. Journal of Management Accounting and Auditing Knowledge, 2018; 7(28): 149-66. [Persian]
77- Bambacas M, Patrickson M. Assessment of communication skills in manager selection: some evidence from Australia. Journal of Management Development; 2009.
78- Moradi M, Zanjani B. Designing a threefold skills model for selecting Mmanagers through multi-criterion decision-making approach. Human resource management researches, 2014; 5(2): 1-30. [Persian]
79- Creelman D. Return on investment in talent management: Measures you can put to work right now. Human Capital Institute, 2004; 2121(01).
80- Michaels E, Handfield-Jones H, Axelrod B. The war for talent: Harvard Business Press; 2001.
81- Tripathi K, Agrawal M. Competency based management in organizational global, journal of finance and management, 6 (4), 349-356. Retrived from http://www ripublication com; 2014.
82- Lewis RE, Heckman RJ. Talent management: A critical review. Human resource management review, 2006; 16(2): 139-54.
83- Anwar A, Nisar QA, Khan NZA, Sana A. Talent management: Strategic priority of organizations. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 2014; 9(3): 1148.
84- Naderi A, Nikokar G, Karami M. A Model for Appointing Managers. Journal of Research in Human Resources Management, 2009; 1(4): 91-113. [Persian]
_||_1- Mitosis KD, Lamnisos D, Talias MA. Talent management in healthcare: A systematic qualitative review. Sustainability, 2021; 13(8): 4469.
2- Dries N, Marescaux E, van Zelderen A. Talent Management and Career Management. The Routledge Companion to Talent Management: Routledge; 2021: 265-79.
3- Ahmed HK, editor The impact of talent management on the competitive advantage in the organizations. Bein a paper presented at the International Conference, Abu Dhabi; 2016.
4- Doshmangir L, Rashidian A, Kouhi F, Gordeev VS. Setting health care services tariffs in Iran: half a century quest for a window of opportunity. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2020; 19(1): 1-14.
5- Shaffer FA, Bakhshi M, Dutka JT, Phillips J. Code for ethical international recruitment practices: the CGFNS alliance case study. Human resources for health, 2016; 14(1): 113-9.
6- Liu JX, Goryakin Y, Maeda A, Bruckner T, Scheffler R. Global health workforce labor market projections for 2030. Human resources for health, 2017; 15(1): 1-12.
7- King KA, Vaiman V. Enabling effective talent management through a macro-contingent approach: A framework for research and practice. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 2019; 22(3): 194-206.
8- Jooss S, Burbach R, Ruël H. Talent management innovations in the international hospitality industry. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited Ahead-of-print; 2021.
9- McDermott A, Keating M. Managing professionals: exploring the role of the hospital HR function. Journal of health organization and management; 2011.
10- Gallardo-Gallardo E, Moliner LA, Gallo P. Mapping collaboration networks in talent management research. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance; 2017.
11- Rastgoo P. The relationship of talent management and organizational development with job motivation of employees. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2016; 64(2): 653-62.
12- Guolami E, Taheri H. Problems of administrative structure in Iran. Tadbir, 2003; 1(144): 23-8. [Persian]
13- Gholipour A, Eftekhar N. Introducing a talent management model based on grounded theory (case study: telecom operator). Public Manag Res, 2017; 9(34): 59-90. [Persian]
14- Ulrich D, Smallwood N. What is talent? Leader to leader, 2012; 1(63): 55-61.
15- Goldsmith M, Carter L. Best practices in talent management: how the worlds leading corporations manage, develop, and retain top talent. Language, 2010; 30(303p): 25cm.
16- Silzer RF, Dowell B. Strategy-driven talent management: a leadership imperative. Language, 2010; 45(881p): 26cm.
17- Collings DG, Mellahi K. Strategic talent management: A review and research agenda. Human resource management review, 2009; 19(4): 304-13.
18- Berger LA. Talent Management: Handbook: MGH; 2020.
19- Goharrostami H, VAGHAR MS. Designing a Talent Management Model in Iranian Sport. Journal of Sport Management; 2021.
20- Zamanifard Z, Daraei M, Farahbakhsh S. Identifying and Validating the Components of the Teacher Talent Management Model. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Administration, 2021; 12(1).
21- Trost A. Talent relationship management: Competitive recruiting strategies in times of talent shortage: Springer Science & Business; 2014.
22- Hatum A. Next generation talent management: Talent management to survive turmoil: Palgrave Macmillan; 2010.
23- Marsh CJ. Integrative inquiry: The research synthesis. Forms of curriculum inquiry; 1991: 271-83.
24- Pelit A. Comparison of the models adopted regarding the training and appointment of school administrators (Turkey, France, Denmark and England sample). Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2013: Springer; 2015: 331-42.
25- Turabik T, Baskan GA, Kocak S. Certain developed countries’ school manager training models and in the light of these models suggestions for turkey's school manager training. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014; 131: 236-43.
26- Sağır M, Göksoy S, Ercan O. Views of school administrators regarding accreditation implementations in educational inspection. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014; 116: 1604-9.
27- Bayarystanova E, Arenova A, Nurmuhametova R. Education system management and professional competence of managers. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014; 140: 427-31.
28- Mabhudhu M. A comparative analysis of leadership and management at Jwaneng Diamond Mine: Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University; 2008.
29- Kroon B. A competency profile for outstanding leadership performance: Tilburg University; 2008.
30- Gonzalez SM. Improving human resources management: some practical questions and answers. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; 2004.
31- Piryaei H, Niknami M. A model for Improving Appointment and Promotion System of Staff and Line Managers in Education Department. Journal of Management and Planning In Educational System, 2017; 10(1): 9-28.
32- Davali M, Zamaheni M, Darvish H, Adel A. Designing a Model for Selecting Merit Executives. Journal of Research in Human Resources Management, 2017; 9(3): 97-123. [Persian]
33- Ranjbar M, Khaef Elahi A, Danaee Fard H, Fani A. Measurig competency model for managers in the health sector (structural equation modeling approach). Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 2014; 23(109): 104-13. [Persian]
34- Javaheri Zadeh E, Moghimi SM, Gholipour A, Tahmasebi R. Organizational Talent Management: Identify Indicators and Features of Key Employees. Organizational Culture Management, 2014; 12(2): 149-71. [Persian]
35- Ejtehadi M, Bafandeh Zendeh AR, Ghourchian NG, Jafari P, Talebi B. Presenting a model for rectors’ selection in Islamic Azad university branches based on Fuzzy logic. Journal of Instruction and Evaluation, 2010; 3(11): 7-28. [Persian]
36- Schumacker E, Lomax G. A Beginner's Guide to Structural Equation Modeling. 4th edtn. New York, NY: Routledge; 2016.
37- Alexopoulos D, Kalaitzidis I. Psychometric properties of Eysenck personality questionnaire-revised (EPQ-R) short scale in Greece. Personality and individual Differences, 2004; 37(6): 1205-20.
38- Rajabpour E, Chartab Moghadam J. Assessment Talent Management Strategy on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Knowledge Worker. Journal of Development & Evolution Mnagement, 2019; 1397(special issue): 109-17. [Persian]
39- Jokinen T. Global leadership competencies: a review and discussion. Journal of European industrial training; 2005.
40- Naderian M, Soltan Hoseini M. Technichal skills and abilities of sport executives (Indicators and standards, according to sport managers’ point of view. Sports Management and Motor Behaviour journal, 2012; 1(2): 11-8. [Persian]
41- Naderian M, Hoseini M. Technichal skills and abilities of sport executives (Indicators and standards, according to sport managers’ point of view. Contemporary Research in Sports Management, 2012; 1(2): 11-8. [Persian]
42- Goodarzi M, Nazari R, Ehsani M. Structural Equation Modeling of the influence of communication skills on Management skills between sport managers. Applied Research in Sport Management, 2012; 1(1): 11-20. [Persian]
43- Griffin R. Fundamentals of management: Cengage Learning; 2021.
44- Gentry WA, Harris LS, Baker BA, Leslie JB. Managerial skills: What has changed since the late 1980s. Leadership & Organization Development Journal; 2008.
45- Chong E. Managerial competency appraisal: A cross-cultural study of American and East Asian managers. Journal of Business Research, 2008; 61(3): 191-200.
46- Leinonen J, Juntunen P, editors. Leadership competences in changing local government. Conference paper-The European Group of Public Administration; 2007.
47- Weihrich H, Koontz H. Management: A global perspective: Tata McGraw-Hill; 2005.
48- Rao PS. Personnel and human resource management: Himalaya Publishing House; 2009.
49- Grant K, Maxwell G, Ogden S. Skills utilisation in Scotland: exploring the views of managers and employees. Employee Relations; 2014.
50- Qiao JX, Wang W. Managerial competencies for middle managers: some empirical findings from China. Journal of european industrial training; 2009.
51- Armstrong M. A handbook of human resource management practice: Kogan Page Publishers; 2006.
52- Kemali Y. The survey on the role of employees performance appraisal on meritocracy in organization. NAJA Human Resources, 2014; 5(37): 49-76. [Persian]
53- Farniya M, Ellahi I. Study of the relationship between in-service training with managers' performance. The Journal of Productivity Management, 2008; 2(3(6)): 173-83. [Persian]
54- Meyers MC, Van Woerkom M. The influence of underlying philosophies on talent management: Theory, implications for practice, and research agenda. Journal of World Business, 2014; 49(2): 192-203.
55- Boudreau JW, Ramstad PM. Talentship, talent segmentation, and sustainability: A new HR decision science paradigm for a new strategy definition. Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of Business Administration, The University of Michigan and in alliance with the Society of Human Resources Management, 2005; 44(2): 129-36.
56- Heinen JS, O'Neill C. Managing talent to maximize performance. Employment Relations Today, 2004; 31(2): 67.
57- Farley C. HR's role in talent management and driving business results. Employment Relations Today, 2005; 32(1): 55-61.
58- Lindner JR. Competency assessment and human resource management performance of county extension chairs. Journal of southern agricultural education research, 2001; 51(1): 333-46.
59- Murali A, Kumar SK. Knowledge Management and Human Resource Management (HRM): Importance of Integration. FIIB Business Review, 2014; 3(1): 3-10.
60- Dries N. The psychology of talent management: A review and research agenda. Human Resource Management Review, 2013; 23(4): 272-85.
61- Golec A, Kahya E. A fuzzy model for competency-based employee evaluation and selection. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2007; 52(1): 143-61.
62- Hajikarimi A, Soltani M. Study and Analysis of Talent Management Measures: A Case Study of Iran Machinery and Industrial Equipment Industry. Organizational Culture Management, 2011; 9(23): 95-116. [Persian]
63- Gelens J, Hofmans J, Dries N, Pepermans R. Talent management and organisational justice: Employee reactions to high potential identification. Human Resource Management Journal, 2014; 24(2): 159-75.
64- Stahl G, Björkman I, Farndale E, Morris SS, Paauwe J, Stiles P, et al. Six principles of effective global talent management. Sloan Management Review, 2012; 53(2): 25-42.
65- Duttagupta R. Identifying and managing your assets: Talent management. PricewaterhouseCoopers, London; 2005.
66- Gallardo EG. Disentangling the‗ talent ‘concept as applied to the world of work. A Dissertation, Departamentd Economiai Organitzaciód Empreses, Facultatd Economiai Empresa, Barcelona, 2013.
67- Worrall L, Cooper C. Management skills development: a perspective on current issues and setting the future agenda. Leadership & Organization Development Journal; 2001.
68- Michaelson M, Andreson J. Are You Just Calling Plays? Learning & Development: Talent Management Magazine ; 2010 [Available from: http:// talentmgt. com /learnin & development/ 2010/ october/ 1326/ index.php. .
69- Guthrie G, Wright J. Competing payment schemes. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 2007; 55(1): 37-67.
70- Hiltrop J-M. The quest for the best: human resource practices to attract and retain talent. European Management Journal, 1999; 17(4): 422-30.
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