An Analytical and Comparative Approach to Recognition Tabriz Ali Shah Mosque
الموضوعات :
Solmaz Amirrashed
Seyed Mehdi Hosseyni Nia
1 - Instructor, Faculty of Humanities, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardebil, Iran.
2 - Ph.D. of Archaeology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardebil, Iran.
الکلمات المفتاحية: Mosque - Tomb, Tabriz, Ali shah Mosque, Ilkhanid period, School of Khatuniyeh in Erzurum,
ملخص المقالة :
Ali shah Mosque in Tabriz is one of the remaining buildings from the Ilkhanid period in the region of Azerbaijan in Iran. In historical documents, this building is mentioned with different names such as citadel and mosque. Despite the research done on this building, researchers still have disagreements regarding architectural specifications. In this research, based on archaeological and architectural evidence, the authors seek to answer the following basic questions in the manner of field studies and libraries, which are based on descriptive-historical and analytical-comparative, how are the architectural features of this building represented by the texts of historical documents? How is the porch connected to the tomb? Also, what is the relationship between Ali shah Citadel and the school of the two minarets of the Erzurum in terms of physical and trinity elements? The following hypotheses are raised: according to the results, the pillar behind the altar is originally the tomb of Alisha. The main altar was located inside it and had a green dome with skylights. The way to reach this tomb and the altar were from the stairs leading to the porch. After the huge columns on either side of it, which may have been turned into a minaret, space has become smaller with an indentation. The school and monastery were connected to its western and eastern sides. This general form of composite buildings in a complex is a feature of most buildings of this period. Other results of this study show that the model of the mosque-school of the Erzurum is derived from this building, which shows the cultural connections between the two regions.
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Ali shah Mosque 2020. Retrieved, (2022, January 10), from