Explanation of the Architectural Education Patterns with a Focus on Increasing Creativity
الموضوعات :
Omid Azeri
Iraj Etessam
Farah Habib
1 - Ph.D.Candidare in Architecure, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor; Department of Art and Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
الکلمات المفتاحية: emotional intelligence, architectural education, Torrance Creativity Test, Creativity,
ملخص المقالة :
Architectural education requires efficient methods to demonstrate its efficiency to meet the quantitative and qualitative needs derived from modern socio-economic development. In architectural education, the ability to design is an essential part and the main goal of education. Looking at the various methods and patterns related to architectural education and the type and content of instruction in architecture, one can observe the necessity of choosing or designing a model of thinking to teach skilled courses, including practical workshops in schools of architecture, institutions, and colleges. In this study, the relationship between emotional intelligence and creativity has been examined. Depending on the educational system structure, this examination can improve the educational infrastructure, because the main function of the educational system is self-awareness of students regarding their personality. Students, by recognizing multiple intelligences, can gain the necessary confidence to be creative and self-fulfilling. Although less attention has been paid to identifying and developing creativity in our education system, it is necessary to scrutinize the processes of emotional intelligence and creativity and to examine the effective factors. In the present study, the standard tools for measuring and collecting information, were the Torrance Creativity Questionnaire Test, Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Test, and the Academic Improvement Test before and after training. In order to analyze the data and test the hypothesis, the methods used were Delphi's expert method, correlation test, covariance, and T-test in SPSS software.
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