Effect of Relative Phase on the Stability of Temporal Bright Solitons in a PT- Symmetric NLDC
الموضوعات : فصلنامه نانوساختارهای اپتوالکترونیکی
Lida Safaei
mahmood Borhani Zarandi
Mohsen Hatami
1 - Department of Physics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
2 - Department of Physics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
3 - Department of Physics, University of Shiraz Technology, Shiraz, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Nonlinear Optics, Photonics, Solitons, PT-Symmetry, Fiber Couplers, Nano structures,
ملخص المقالة :
In this paper we numerically investigate the effect of relative phase on the
stability of temporal bright solitons in a Nano PT- Symmetric nonlinear directional
coupler (NLDC) by considering gain in bar and loss in cross. We also study the effect of
relative phase on the output perturbed bright solitons energies, in the range of 0 to
180 . By using perturbation theory three eigenfunctions and corresponding
eigenvalues were derived analytically. These eigenvalues behave like equilibrium points
and are not stable in all cases. Stability of these perturbed solitons under the effect of
relative phase are examined and show that temporal bright solitons are almost unstable in
the range of 0 to 90 , but they keep their solitary shapes in the range of 90
to 180 . In addition the evolution of normalized energies in these ranges are
Output pulse energy at bar and cross strongly depend on the relative phase. This effect
in a PT-Symmetric NLDC can be used for designing all-optical ultrafast self-switches
and logic gates and Nano structures.
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