Inventory Problems and The Inventory Problems and The Parametric Measure mλ
الموضوعات : Transactions on Fuzzy Sets and Systems
1 - Department of Economic Informatics and Cybernetics, Bucharest University of Economics, Bucharest, Romania.
الکلمات المفتاحية: Fuzzy variables, Demand vectors, mλ–Measure, mλ–Inventory problem.,
ملخص المقالة :
The credibility theory was introduced by B. Liu as a new way to describe the fuzzy uncertainty. The credibility measure is the fundamental notion of the credibility theory. Recently, L.Yang and K. Iwamura extended the credibility measure by defining the parametric measure mλ (λ is a real parameter in the interval [0, 1] and for λ = 1/2 we obtain as a particular case the notion of credibility measure). By using the mλ- measure, we studied in this paper a risk neutral multi-item inventory problem. Our construction generalizes the credibilistic inventory model developed by Y. Li and Y. Liu in 2019. In our model, the components of demand vector are fuzzy variables and the maximization problem is formulated by using the notion of mλ–expected value. We shall prove a general formula for the solution of optimization problem, from which we obtained effective formulas for computing the optimal solutions in the particular cases where the demands are trapezoidal and triangular fuzzy numbers. For λ = 1/2 we obtain as a particular case the computation formulas of the optimal solutions of the credibilistic inventory problem of Li and Liu. These computation formulas are applied for some mλ- models obtained from numerical data.
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