Studies on inclusion complexes of 2-[Substituted arylideamino]-1, 3, 4-thiadiazino [6,5b]indole with β- Cyclodextrin
الموضوعات : Journal of the Iranian Chemical ResearchSunakar Panda 1 , Jagat Tripathy 2
1 - Department of Chemistry Berhampur University, Bhanja Bihar, Odisha, India
2 - Department of Chemistry Berhampur University, Bhanja Bihar, Odisha, India
الکلمات المفتاحية: Antimicrobial Activity, Inclusion complex, Substituted indole, β Cyclodextrin, Antioxidant activity,
ملخص المقالة :
Inclusion complexes of 2-[Arylidenamino]-1,3,4-thiadiazino[6,5b]indoles have been prepared with β-cyclodextrin so as to increase the solubility of these compounds in polar medium which may increase theirbioaccessibility. The formation of inclusion complexes is known from the study of changes in physical andspectral properties of the compounds. The stability of the inclusion complexes has been studied by thedetermination of the thermodynamic parameters like change in free energy, change in enthalpy and change inentropy. Finally compounds and their inclusion complexes are screened for antibacterial and antioxidantactivities. It is found that both antibacterial and antioxidant activity of the compounds increase significantlyafter the inclusion complex formation. In addition, the presence of activating groups on arylidene unit furtherfavours inclusion complex formation and also stabilizes the same.
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