Study of Change in Water Quality at Different Distances form Sea in Mahi Estuarian Area
الموضوعات :M. B. Patel 1 , R. A. S. Patel 2
1 - Faculty of Technology & Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, M.S
University of Baroda, adodara
2 - Faculty of Technology & Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, M.S
University of Baroda, adodara
الکلمات المفتاحية: Sea water intrusion, Salinity, Ground water, Ground water quality, Estuary,
ملخص المقالة :
Main perennial rivers of Gujarat, Tapi, Narmada, Mahi and Sabarmatiare meeting Arabian Sea in Gulf of Khambhat. The out flow of Mahi River intothe sea is decreased due to construction of dams like Bajaj Sagar, Kadana, Panamand Wanakbori weir. So, Tidal effect of sea and sea water intrusion is beingincreased on landward side. Moreover, due to erratic nature of rainfall andimproper management of the existing water resources in the region, the groundwater withdrawal rate has increased. Since the existing ground water resourceshave not been replenished as per demand, Mahi estuarian area is facing a problemof sea water intrusion. Day by day quality of ground water and soil going ondeteriorating. An attempt is made to study the pre and post-monsoon ground waterquality by collecting and analyzing the water samples of open well, bore well etc.Considering radial distances from Kavi Town (sea) i.e. to study the effect ofsalinity ingress. It is observed that as the distance from Kavi village increases, theT.D.S, Cl and, TH, values decreases. The high pre-monsoon values getnormalized after the post monsoon because of rain water recharge and dilution,except some locations due to many reasons.
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