Assessing the Quality of Persian Translation of the Book “Principles of Marketing” Based on the House’s (TQA) Model
الموضوعات : نشریه زبان و ترجمهMahnaz Nemati Moghaddam 1 , Mehrdad Rezaee 2
1 - Faculty of English Language Studies, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Faculty of English Language Studies, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Assessment, Translation quality assessment, Distinction, House model, Overt and covert translation,
ملخص المقالة :
Translation is evaluated in terms of its forms and functions inside the historically developed systems of the receiving culture and literature. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of Persian translation of the14th edition of the original English book “Principles of Marketing” written by Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong based on House (TQA) model: overt and covert translation distinction. The book was translated by Dr. Ab- bas Saleh Ardestani and Dr. Mohammad Reza Saadi. The result of this comparison was dimensional mis- matches categorized based on the different dimensions of register including field, tenor, and mode, overt and covert errors. As a result, the translators of Persian translation did not carry out the criteria completely to have an overt translation according to House's view stated that scientific textbooks should be translated overtly, instead they tended to translate the text covertly. All mismatches on different levels of register also showed that the cultural filter was applied in translation. The findings and outcomes could contribute to the knowledge around the fields of Marketing, Business Management, and Translation Studies. The findings of this study could also result in better translation of marketing texts.
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