On solving possibilistic multi- objective De Novo linear programming
الموضوعات :
1 - Operations Research- ISSR- Cairo University
الکلمات المفتاحية: linear programming, Multi-objective, De Novo programming, Possibilistic variables, possibily efficient solution, Trade-offs,
ملخص المقالة :
Multi-objective De Novo linear programming (MODNLP) is problem for designing optimal system by reshaping the feasible set (Fiala [3] ). This paper deals with MODNLP having possibilistic objective functions coefficients. The problem is considered by inserting possibilistic data in the objective functions coefficients. The solution of the problem is defined and established under the using of efficient and necessary condition. Also, the relation between possibilistic levels corresponding to the solution is constructed. A solution procedure for solving the problem is proposed. A numerical example is given for illustration.
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