Ammonium monovanadate: a versatile and reusable catalyst for Friedel-Crafts alkylation and Michael addition of indoles
الموضوعات : Iranian Journal of Catalysis
1 - Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Alzahra University, Vanak, 1993893973 Tehran, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Indole, Isatin, &alpha, , &beta, -Unsaturated compounds, Alkylation, Ammonium monovanadate,
ملخص المقالة :
Ammonium monovanadate (NH4VO3) has been devoted as an efficient, commercially available, eco-friendly and reusable catalyst for the synthesis of bis(indolyl)methanes (BIMs), oxindole derivatives and also Michael adducts of indoles at 50 °C under solvent-free conditions. The reusability of this solid acid catalyst in addition with its selectivity has also been examined.
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