The Relationship between the Emotional Intelligence of Iranian EFL Learners and Their Performance on the Listening Section of IELTS
Subject Areas : Journal of Teaching English Language Studies
1 - English Language Department, Faculty of persian Literature and foreign Language, Islamic Azad University South tehran branch,Tehran,Iran
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, IELTS, problem solving, Listening comprehension,
Abstract :
This study was an attempt to explore the role of emotional intelligence on the whole andits components particularly problem solving in EFL learners’ listening comprehensionperformance in the IELTS tests. For this purpose, a total of 39 advanced learners homogenizedaccording to Oxford Placement Test took part in this study. Participants completed the IELTSlistening tests and were asked to fill out the Bar-On emotional intelligence questionnaire. Theobtained quantitative data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficients. Resultsindicated a non-significant correlation between the whole EI scores and listening performance oflearners. There were, however, a significant relationship between problem solving and EI. Thesocial responsibility component of EI was also found to have a significant relationship withlistening. The findings are discussed with regard to the role of the IELTS test as a standardizedtest and the high level of learners. Implications and suggestions for further research arepresented.
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