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    Signal Processing and Renewable Energy (SPRE) provides quick publication to original works from academia and industry researchers.  


    SPRE as a peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes Original papers, Theory-based Papers, Review Papers, Case Study Reports, Developed Conference Papers, and Technology Reports, in all aspects of  Electrical, Electronics, power, control, telecommunications, bio-electrical medical engineering, Computer, Artificial Intelligence and robotics. SPRE was a Print & Online from 2017-2021 and it is an online journal from 2022-now. The Journal provides an International Exposure to researcher.


    SPRE is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0). Licensees may copy, distribute, display and make derivative works only if they cite the original published article.


    Every submitted paper is investigated according to the plagiarism and fraudulent data. All papers are subject to peer review (blind review) before publication.