Physical Factors Influencing Place Identity in Higher Education Environments (Case Study: Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch)
Subject Areas :
Space Ontology International Journal
Leila Karimifard
Fatemeh Tabatabaei Malazi
1 - Assistant Professor of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, South Tehran Branch,Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - M.Arch., Faculty of Art and Architecture, South Tehran branch,Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Received: 2017-06-17
Accepted : 2017-06-17
Published : 2017-03-01
Environmental Psychology,
place identity,
Physical Context Quality,
CampusPlanning &,
Abstract :
Developing students' academic identityisessentialforachieving academic success in universities.In this regard, environmental psychologists believe that physical context directly affects the level of ones' place identity. In other words, more positive assessment of the environment results in higher place identity. It implies that the designer can strengthen the bond between person and place by detecting and improving the effective environmental factors.Accordingly, the aim of this study was to identify the physical attributes that improvestudents' place identityin higher education spaces. For this purpose,after evaluating the students' place identity and their satisfaction with the physical context, the link between the quality of eachphysical element and students' place identity was investigated. The population of the study includedall the students of Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch in 2013-2014 academic year. According to Cochran formulas,asample consisting of 379 studentsfrom Faculties of Art and Architecture, Engineering, and Sciences was proportionally selected. Data collection instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire which the calculated Alpha coefficient and fitness indices proveditsvalidity and reliability. Correlation and multiple regression analyses wereconducted to examine the relationship between mentioned variables. Theresultsindicate thatthe quality of the acoustic conditions, access to public transport & intrusive reflections are irrelevant to students' level of place identity.Above all, satisfaction with the amount of green space, quality of lighting, accessibility and indoor thermal conditions, are the most important physical factors influencing students'place identity in higher education environments.
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