Prioritizing the Implementation Barriers of Prison Entrepreneurship Program from Employees’ Perspective (Case Study: Central Department of Kerman Prisons and Kerman Prison)
Subject Areas : Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Mohseneh Behrouz
Mohammad Ali Forghani
Mehdi Kazemi
1 - MSc student of entrepreneurship, Department of management, faculty of economics and management, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
2 - Associate professor, Department of Management, Faculty of economics and Management, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
3 - Associate professor, Department of Management, Faculty of economics and Management, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
Keywords: inmates entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship program, entrepreneurship barriers,
Abstract :
The Prison Entrepreneurship Program is a rehabilitation program that attempts to return former illegal entrepreneurial activities to legal entrepreneurship through training and skills enhancement and providing support both in prison and after release. This paper aimed at prioritizing the implementation barriers of Prison Entrepreneurship Program from employees’ perspective, in the Kerman City Prison and the Central Department of Kerman Province Prisons. It is applied research and it is exploratory study. First, the barriers of the program extracted from its official reports. Then, the analytical tree was designed, and by considering it, the AHP questionnaire, include of 13 paired comparisons was designed and completed by 25 experts (employees of mentioned departments) which were selected by purposive sampling. After gathering preliminary data, the final weights were obtained through Expert Choice software 11. Based on the results, at the level of the criteria, the “legal barriers” with a relative weight of 0/470 won the first rank and the “financial barriers” with a relative weight of 0/280 won the second rank. At the level of alternatives, in general, the “lack of funding support” with a final weight of 0/163 won the first rank and the “criminal records” with a final weight of 0/140 won second place.
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