Leveling of Effective Factors on Ethical Culture in the Audit Organization, with ISM Method
Subject Areas : Business Strategy
fatemeh Firoozi nia
Davood kia Kojouri
Behzad Farrokhseresht
Razieh Alikhani
1 - Department of public management, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran.
2 - Department of public management, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran.
3 - Department of public management, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran.
4 - Department of public management, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran.
Keywords: Audit organization, Interpretive Structural Modeling, Organizational ethical culture,
Abstract :
Abstract:"Organizational culture" is a shared and relatively stable pattern of basic values, beliefs, and convictions in an organization. Considering the importance of organizational ethical culture in the country, and especially in public and private organizations, also considering the role of culture as a guarantee of stability in this organization. This descriptive-analytical research aims at identifying and leveling the factors affecting the organizational ethical culture in the audit firm by applying The Pairwise comparisons ISM method was performed.Method:For this purpose, by using the studies and research done in the past and also benefiting from the opinions of fifteen university professors and employees of the auditing organization, the factors affecting the organizational culture were investigated and after the final approval, 9 factors were selected. In the next steps, these factors are used in the research with the interpretive structural modeling technique and with the method of ISM pairwise comparisons and EXCEL software.Findings:Finally, among the investigated factors on "organizational ethical culture", five general levels were classified. The "Working pressure" was selected as the first level. At the second level, the parameters of "performance measurement system", "power structures", and "incentive and punishment systems" were confirmed. The third level also includes "management of educational programs" and "organizational norms". The fourth level is dedicated to "Employee Behaviors". Finally, the fifth level, the most influential parameter of "Organizational Ethical Culture", was declared to be trusted.
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