Research on Crop Ecophysiology
Research on Crop Ecophysiology (ROCE) is open access, peer-reviewed, and
official semi-annual journal funded by the Department of Agronomy and Plant
Breeding, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch. It publishes peer-
reviewed research in English in all fields of original scientific and technical
research articles on ecological, physiological and ecophysiological aspects of
plants growth and development. Studied Crops can include Cereals, Industrial
crops, Pulse crops, Forage crops, Medical plants, etc. with an emphasis on all
aspects of environmental factors and their effects on Crops. which are complete,
unpublished, and original works that are not under review in any other journal (manuscripts
will be checked for plagiarism and the copyright letter, which must be signed by all authors,
should be submitted in the journal system). The journal is published in online version twice a
year. The online version is free access and downloadable. This journal doesn't charge authors
for reviewing the process and submission of articles.