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    Instructions for authors


    Abstract: The title should be concise, without the use of acronyms or abbreviations and must be written using the Times New Roman 18pt. The full name(s) of author(s) should be appeared below the title and used the Times New Roman 11pt, boldface. The affiliation(s) should be followed on the next line, written use Times New Roman 9pt, italic, with the affiliation (s) and complete mailing address of author(s) and the telephone/fax and e-mail address of the Corresponding author must be given as a footnote in the title page. Each paper must include an Abstract which contains 100-200 words presenting the purpose; write most important results and conclusions of the paper as a single paragraph. Avoid using the equations, symbols, acronyms abbreviations and numerical references in the Abstract and Conclusions sections. Provide maximum five Keywords by the capital letter after the Abstract for use in indexing.


    INTRODUCTION: The paper must be supplied with an Introduction, reporting on a short review of prior works by others and explanation of purpose of investigation. The authors are strongly recommended to use Microsoft Word 2003® for the text of their manuscript. The papers must be written in English (Link to the Oxford English Dictionary http://dictionary.oed.com/entrance.dtl). Number all pages consecutively; use Times New Roman 10pt and single space for the entire body. The paper should be formatted in single column with the margins specified on this template (2.5 cm). Each section title or subtitle should be appeared in Times New Roman 10pt, in boldface and italic, respectively. The first line of each body paragraph except that is immediately appeared after the title of each section, should have an indentation equal to 5mm. Footnotes to the text should be numbered consecutively and placed at the bottom of the page to which they refer. Avoid using footnote to the text in the title page. Symbols should be written in italic form.


    SUBMISSIONS OF PAPERS: The basic elements of a paper in the order in which they should appear are: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgements, Appendix, and References. Authors should submit their manuscript by the Journal website. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing, reviewing and publications times. Please attach your covering letter providing assurance that the manuscript has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere. The corresponding author will be noted of the acceptance of their paper by the editor. The authors of accepted paper with conditional acceptance are required to address the comments of the referees suitably in their revised paper and in their final full paper and address their revisions properly in a separate file and upload it to the Journal website. After the publishing the accepted paper, the corresponding author will receive two complimentary copies of the issue in which the article first appears. Authors will be asked, upon acceptance of an article, to transfer copyright of the article to the publisher. This will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information under copyright laws. This form can be uploading from the Journal website. The Editors reserve the right to return manuscripts that do not conform to the instructions for manuscripts for manuscript preparation or papers that do not fit the scope Journal, prior to referring.


    EQUATIONS: All equations must be written using Times New Roman font and appropriate size. Number all equations sequentially. Each equation number should be right justified written in parentheses. Vectors should be denoted by boldface lower case letters, and matrices or tensors by boldface capital letters.


    SI UNITS: Use the international system of units (SI). For other quantities, give their equivalent in SI.


    TABLES: Each table must have a number and a caption written on its top using Times New Roman 9pt in boldface. The content of tables is written using Times New Roman 8pt. Tables may place within the texts or just before the figures. All quantities in tables should be accompanied with their units. Table footnotes should be indicated by letters a, b, c, etc.


    FIGURES AND DRAWINGS: All figures (photographs, drawings, graphs or diagrams) and tables must be placed just before the references. They must be cited in the text and numbered consecutively. Each figure must have a number and a caption. Captions should be placed under the figures and should be written using Times New Roman 9pt in boldface. Cite all figures within the text and its caption.


    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: All the obtained results should be carefully investigated and compared with the other works.


    CONCLSIONS: Each paper should be accompanied with a short conclusion section, right before the figures and drawings.


    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The acknowledgements must be indicated in a separate section at the end of the paper after the main text. Please do not include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise.


    APPENDICES: The appendices should be numbered consecutively when they are more than one. The equations in appendix should be numbered separately, e. g. (A1), (A2), etc.



    The list of References should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. They are numbered in the order in which they are cited (not listed alphabetically).  They should be written by Times New Roman 9pt. For document published in Persian language please adds the expression “(in Persian)” at the end of it. The list of References should be presented at the end of the paper in the following forms:


    Journal article:

    Javaheri R., Eslami M.R., 2002, Thermal buckling of functionally graded plates, AIAA Journal 40(1): 162-169.


    Article by DOI:

    Kapuria S., Bhattacharyya M., Kumar A.N., 2005, Assessment of coupled 1D models for hybrid piezoelectric layerd functionally graded beams, Composite Structures, doi:10.1016/j. compstruct.2005.01.015.



    Birman V., 1995, Buckling of functionally graded hybrid composite plates, in: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Boulder, CO, 1199-2002.



    Reddy J.N., 2004, Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates and Shells: Theory and Analysis, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, Second Edition.


    Book chapter:

    Soni S.R., Pagano N.J., 1982, Elastic response of composite laminates, in: Mechanics of Composite Materials-Recent Advances, edited by Z. Hashin, C.T. Herakovich, Pergamon Press, New York.


    Online document:

    Cartwright J., Big stars have weather too, IOP Publishing Physics Web.

    http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/11/6/16/1 , 2007, Accessed 26 June 2007.


    Page Charges: There are no page charges.



    The Journal of Solid Mechanics provides author template in “Microsoft Word” for use in preparing papers.

    Ms Word Template