The Role of Brainstorming in Enhancing Language Skills: A Meta-analysis of EFL Learners' Speaking and Listening Performance
Subject Areas : Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English
Ali Hamideh
Mustafa Zamanian
1 - Department of English Language, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Department of English Language, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: Brainstorming, Speaking Skills, Listening Skills, Language Learning, Spoken Skills,
Abstract :
This review article provides a comprehensive analysis of 21 studies investigating the effectiveness of brainstorming and related teaching strategies in enhancing language skills, particularly speaking and listening skills, among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. The studies, conducted between 2010 and 2023, employed various research designs, including quasi-experimental, qualitative, and mixed-methods designs, and were carried out in different settings, such as high schools, universities, and workplaces, and involved participants from different countries, including Iran, China, and Indonesia. The review discusses the main findings of each study, highlighting the positive impact of brainstorming and related strategies on language skills. The review also identifies gaps in the existing literature and suggests directions for future research, such as investigating the effectiveness of these strategies in enhancing other language skills and exploring their impact on different learner populations. The studies suggest that brainstorming can increase students' confidence in speaking English, positively impacting their motivation to learn and use the language. Additionally, brainstorming activities can enhance students' creativity in spoken language by encouraging them to generate and share ideas in a supportive and collaborative environment. The studies also indicate that the use of brainstorming techniques can lead to noticeable enhancements in students' speaking skills, demonstrating its effectiveness as a teaching strategy.
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