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    About the Journal

    Journal of Nanoanalysis (Abbreviation: J Nanoanalysis) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed open-access journal with a wide-ranging coverage, consolidating research activities in all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology into a unique reference source.  

    J Nanoanalysis is a "Quarterly" (four times a year) publication journal, which publishes original research articles and review papers across fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology.   

    Aim and Scope

    Journal of Nanoanalysis is a cross-disciplinary journal to publish original full research articles of significant new scientific and technological findings and, timely state-of-the-art reviews with author's photo and short biography, and current research news encompassing the fundamental and applied research in all disciplines of basic science, engineering and medicine.

    The journal publishes original and significant groundbreaking research that is likely to be of wide general appeal.

    This journal reports on essential research in all branches of the theory and practice of nanoscience and nanotechnology, providing rapid disclosure of the key elements of a study, publishing preliminary, experimental, and theoretical results on the chemical, and biological, along with processes and applications of structures within the nanoscale range.

    We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy and much more.

    Research areas covered in the journal include but are not limited to:


    • Atomic and Nanoscale Characterization of Functional Materials and Bio-assemblies
    • Atomic Manipulation                                              
    • Biochemical Assemblies        
    • Biomedical Nanotechnology
    • BioMEMS
    • Biomimetic Materials     
    • Dendrimers               
    • DNA Sequencing  
    • Drug Delivery                        
    • Fullerenes                
    • Low-dimension Structures
    • Molecular machines and motors               
    • Molecular Nanotechnology       
    • Molecular Wires      
    • Nano biotechnology        
    • Nano catalysis
    • Nano chips                    
    • Nano devices                                
    • Nano electronics                          
    • Nano fluidics
    • Nano magnetism           
    • Nano probes              
    • Nano rods
    • Nano sensors                               
    • Nanoclusters            
    • Nanocomposites     
    • Nanocrystal line Materials       
    • Nano-Environmental, health and safety issues
    • Nanofabrication and Processing of Nanoscale Materials and Devices
    • Nanomedicines               
    • Nano-Optics          
    • Nanoparticles                           
    • Nanophysics             
    • Nanorobotics                                   
    • Nanoscale Genomics             
    • Nanoscale Thin Films
    • Nanotubes                                  
    • Novel Applications of Nanostructured Materials
    • Properties of Nanomaterials      
    • Quantum Dots
    • Quantum Wells                          
    • Quantum Wires       
    • Self-Assemblies                         
    • Structure Analysis at Atomic          
    • Superlatives                               
    • Supramolecular             
    • Synthesis of Nanostructured Materials
    • Theoretical and Computational nanotechnology

    Journal Features

    Online status inquiry

    Open access to all PDF full text of published articles

    Quick publication on the net

    Enhance global visibility of articles

    Online submission and reviewing

    Immediate review and publication processing

    Online publication

    J Nanoanalysis is an extraordinary online publication. This allows us to publish research articles as soon as possible,  they are ready, which advantages authors with an earlier publication date and allows our readers access to accepted papers several weeks before they would appear in a specific issue. The profitable things that published online are definitive and may be altered only through the publication of an addendum, corrigendum or erratum, so authors should make a lot of effort to ensure that the page proofs are correct.

    For Authors

    Journal of Nanoanalysis publishes a broad spectrum of conceptual articles; visit our author pages to find out more.