Evaluation of research performance of faculty members of Islamic Azad University, using Fuzzy Delphi method
Subject Areas : Decision Support Systems
Amir Khalili
Fereshteh Kordestani
Yalda Delgoshaei
Ali Hosseini Khah
1 - Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational
Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad university
3 - Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational
Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University
4 - Kharazmi University
Keywords: Thematic analysis, Islamic Azad University faculty members, Evaluating Research Performance, Performance Indicators of Creativity and Initiative, Fuzzy Delphi analysis,
Abstract :
In the organization of university units, the core of activities is the responsibility of faculty members and educational groups that are at the forefront of educational and research activities. Research performance impacts the sustainability and growth of the higher education system. The current study pursing the goal to represent the dimensions, components and indicators of creativity and initiative in order to evaluate the research performance of the faculty members of Tehran Islamic Azad University. The quantitative stage community consists of the experts of Tehran Islamic Azad University faculty members and 14 members of Higher Education, getting saturated with 10 ones. The qualitative stage data analysis was done using open coding, axial coding and selective coding with interviewing and Delphi technique. The qualitative stage induced results indicated the above dimensions and components consisting of nine dimensions, namely, research literacy, scientific factors, technical and information skills, methodological literacy, environmental factors, organizational factors, management factors, technological factors and personality traits. It is done this manner, in order to identify the dimensions, components and indicators of creativity and initiative, and the innovation of the research performance of the faculty members of the Islamic Azad University of Tehran, 9 dimensions, 25 components and 80 indicators were finally verified on the whole. The fuzzy Delphi analysis revealed that the experts had consensus on the detected dimensions, components and indicators. And the results displayed that the indicators of creativity and initiative are of personality traits components and included in the individual characteristics.
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