Steel Supply Chain Complexity and Resilience Assessment: Interactive Network Mapping, Graph Theory, and Agent-Based Simulation
Subject Areas : Stochastic Simulation Modeling
Mohammad Hossein Sadat Hosseini Khajouei
Nazanin Pilevari
Reza Radfar
Ali Mohtashami
1 - Department of Management and Economics Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch Tehran Iran.
2 - Department of industrial management college of management and accounting Islamic Azad university West Tehran Branch Tehran Iran
3 - Islamic azad university. science and research branch
4 - Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Islamic Azad University Qazvin Branch Qazvin Iran.
Keywords: Agent-Based Modeling, Complex Adaptive System, Network Analysis, Resilience, Steel Supply Chain,
Abstract :
Complexity is seen as a major challenge in supply chain research because of interactions, interdependencies, and uncertainties. The main purpose of this study is to develop agent-based models and simulations that focus on Steel Supply Chain Resilience (SSCR) based on complex adaptive network analysis and graph theory. Before and after the simulation, and by mapping the Iranian SSC to the network in the Gephi environment (0.9.2), we used graph theory to analyze node-level and network-level indices. This hypothesis was tested that the corresponding network of the target SSC contained a Complex Adaptive System (CAS). Agent Based Modeling (ABM) has been proposed as a way to track Iran's steel industry supply chain behavior during the crisis using NetLogo (6.2.0). BehaviorSpace, as NetLogo's integrated software tool, was selected for the proposed parameter sweep, design, and experiment execution of agent-based modeling. For sensitivity analysis, the output files were taken from two types of spreadsheets and six scenarios in the table for XLSTAT statistical analysis.
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