• Vaezi.Ehsan Measuring the performances of Medical Diagnostic Laboratories based on interval efficiencies [ Vol.14, Issue 2 - Autumn Year 2021]
  • Vafaeesefat.abbas Optimization of Plastic Injection Molding Process by Combination of Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm [ Vol.6, Issue 13 - Autumn Year 2013]
  • Valipour.Hashem Relationship between Business Intelligence Components and Financial Reporting Quality in Firms [ Vol.14, Issue 2 - Autumn Year 2021]
  • Van Der Meer.Robert The survey of lean implementation maturity level of hospitals in Thailand: Does the hospital type matter? [ Vol.17, Issue 1 - Spring Year 2024]
  • varmaghani.mohammad Outsourcing or Insourcing of Transportation System Evaluation Using Intelligent Agents Approach [ Vol.3, Issue 5 - Spring Year 2010]
  • Velayati.mohammad Classifying the Customers of Telecommunication Company in order to Identify Profitable Customers Based on Their First Transaction, Using Decision Tree: A Case Study of System 780 [ Vol.12, Issue 2 - Autumn Year 2019]
  • Vovk.Viktoriia Innovative Instruments and Legal Mechanisms of Bank Capitalization: National Features and World Trends [ Vol.14, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2021]
  • Vyshnevska.Olga The Influence of Globalization Processes on Forecasting the Activities of Market Entities [ Vol.15, Issue 1 - Spring Year 2022]