Integration of Flipped Classroom Model for a Hotel English Course in China
Subject Areas :
1 - Department of British American Humanities, College of Humanities, Dankook University, Korea
2 - Department of British American Humanities, College of Humanities, Dankook University, Korea
Keywords: Flipped Classroom Model, Hotel English Course, Need Analysis,
Abstract :
“Flipped” or inverted classrooms are designed to utilize class time for application and knowledge building, while course content is delivered through the use of online lectures and watched at home on the students’ time. It is believed that flipped classrooms promote student engagement and a deeper understanding of the class material. The implementation of flipped classroom has been conducted in China’s higher education for more than a decade. However, its implementation in Hotel English courses has not received any attention. By doing a needs analysis, it was proved that the implication of flipped classroom model would be promising in Hotel English courses. Hence, the author redesigned the Hotel English course based on the results of the needs analysis. This course is expected to improve the cultural awareness of the students and offer them with more opportunities to practice speaking English, especially in an authentic situation. Meanwhile, their problem-solving ability and critical thinking ability can be upgraded. As a result, the students can be well prepared to enter their future career not only in hotel industry but other areas.
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