Analysis of elementary teachers' lived experiences of Lesson Study and presenting a conceptual model
Subject Areas :Mehri Rezaei 1 , Gholam Ali Ahmadi 2 , Mehdi Davaei 3 , Reza Saki 4
1 - PhD student in Curriculum Development, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
Keywords: elementary school, Lesson study, teachers' lived experiences,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to understand the lived experiences of teachers in relation to Lesson Study. This qualitative research was performed using phenomenological method. The method of data collection was semi-structured interviews. For this purpose, data were collected by interviewing 15 teachers who had valuable life experiences related to Lesson Study and were analyzed by thematic analysis. The analysis of the interviews indicates five main themes including individual dimension, organizational dimension, scientific dimension, cultural-social dimension and educational dimension and 35 sub-themes including motivation and spirit, flexibility, innovation, optimistic attitude, learner center, lack Self-aggrandizement, questioning, importance to communication, financial injection, facilities, compassionate evaluation, coherent planning, stakeholder engagement, technical support, spiritual support, avoidance of linear view, formation of academic group, inter-school networking, formation Learning communities, research-oriented, school-university relationship, exploratory stimulation, teacher involvement, student involvement, parent involvement, team spirit development, esoteric belief in lesson study, tangible results in the community, fostering a sense of belonging and cooperation, up-to-date content, Indigenous content, modern teaching methods, use of modern assessment methods, formation of local learning networks and local teams
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