Surfactant Effect on the Synthesis of B4C-nano TiB Composite by Co-precipitation Method
Subject Areas : PolymerSaeid Abedini Khorrami 1 * , Roshanak Lotfi 2 , Shahram Moradi 3
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Abstract :
Titanium diboride is one of the candidate materials for high temperature applications and also for control rod elements in high temperature reactors. This paper presents the experimental data on the composites of B4 C-nano TiB2 that were synthesized successfully by co-precipitation methodat 1523K. Titanium tetraisopropanol, boron carbide, isopropanol and triton x-100were used as the precursor materials. Titanium tetraisopropanol and boron carbide were dissolved in isopropanol (solution A). Then, boron carbide was dissolved in deionized water and isopropanol (solution B). Solution B was gradually added to solution A. The prepared mixture was stirred and heated at 298K for 4h. In this research, B4 C-nano TiB2 composites are contained 10 w% TiB2 .The phase constitution and microstructure of B4 C- nano TiB2 during synthesis were investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to determine phase and microstructure of TiB2 -B4 C composites. The distribution sizes of TiB2 nanoparticles on B4 C were calculated between 10-82 and 20-35 nm without and with surfactant, respectively.