Iranian Journal of Organic Chemistry (Iran JOC) is published quarterly by the Islamic Azad University of Qaemshahr. Copyright is reserved by the Islamic Azad University of Qaemshahr.
General Information:
The Iranian Journal of Organic Chemistry is an open access scientific international journal which covers fundamental research in theory and practice organic chemistry, including organic synthesis, organic reactions, natural product chemistry and structural investigations. Iran JOC is published every three month by Islamic Azad University of Qaemshahr, Qaemshahr, Islamic Republic of Iran. The journal publishes full research papers, communications and reviews in English. All enquiries to the editorial office and the support team should be written in English
Iran J. Org. Chem.
Copyright Information:
The author warrants that this research work has not been published and will not be published elsewhere prior to publication by the publisher. By submitting a typescript, the authors agree that the copyright for their paper is transferred to the publisher, if and when the paper is accepted for publication.
Electronic Edition:
Contact Information:
Islamic Azad University of Qaemshahr
P.O.Box: 163 Qaemshahr, IRAN