ارزیابی اثر تلفیقی کودهای آلی با شیمیایی بر برخی خصوصیات مورفولوژیکی، فیزیولوژیکی، اجزای عملکرد و عملکرد فلفل دلمهای سبز (Caspsicum annuum, Var. Traviata) در شرایط مزرعه
محورهای موضوعی : ژنتیک
سید فاضل فاضلی کاخکی
حسین رضوانی
مرتضی گلدانی
نسترن همتی
1 - مرکز تحقیقات و آموزش کشاوری و منابع طبیعی خراسان رضوی، سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی، مشهد، ایران،
2 - مرکز تحقیقات و آموزش کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی گلستان، سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی، گرگان، ایران،
3 - گروه زراعت، دانشکده کشاورزی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد، مشهد، ایران،
4 - گروه گیاهان دارویی، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد، مشهد، ایران،
کلید واژه: کود آلی, هدایت روزنهای, اسپد, فلفل دلمهای,
چکیده مقاله :
بهمنظور بررسی اثر تلفیقی کودهای آلی و شیمیایی بر خصوصیات رویشی و عملکرد فلفل دلمه ای سبز، آزمایشی در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی در سه تکرار در مزرعه تحقیقاتی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد در سال 1396 اجرا شد. تیمارها شامل شاهد (بدون اضافه کردن هیچ کودی)، کود شیمیایی NPK، کود دامی، ورمی کمپوست، ورمی کمپوست+ شیمیایی، دامی+ شیمیایی، دامی+ ورمی کمپوست و دامی+ ورمی کمپوست+ شیمیایی بود. نتایج نشان داد که اعمال کود تلفیقی دام و شیمیایی سبب افزایش چشمگیری بسیاری از شاخصهای مورفولوژیکی و اجزای عملکرد در گیاه شد. بیشترین ارتفاع بوته، تعداد برگ، سطح برگ، وزن خشک اندام هوایی، شاخص اسپد، طول میوه، تعداد میوه در بوته و وزن تر میوه در بوته از اعمال تیمار کود دامی به همراه کود شیمیایی به دست آمد. استفاده از کود دام و شیمیایی سبب افزایش 45 درصدی هدایت روزنه نسبت به شاهد شد. بیشترین تعداد حفره در میوه از تیمار ورمی کمپوست و بیشترین قطر میوه از ترکیب کود ورمی کمپوست و کود شیمیایی حاصل شد. بهطورکلی نتایج نشان داد استفاده توام کود دامی و شیمیایی, بهدلیل اثر بهبود دهندگی ساختمان فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک، تحریک برخی میکروارگانیسم ها و در دسترس قرار دادن عناصر غذایی سبب افزایش بسیاری از صفات مورفولوژیکی، اجزای عملکرد و عملکرد فلفل دلمه ای شد.
In order to investigate the combined effect of organic and chemical fertilizers on vegetative and yield characteristics of sweet pepper (Caspsicum annuum, Var: Traviata), an experiment was conducted on a randomized complete block design with three replications at Ferdowsi University Research Station Mashhad, in 2017. Treatments included control (without adding any fertilizer), NPK fertilizer, manure, vermicompost, vermicompost + chemical fertilizer, manure + chemical fertilizer, manure + vermicompost, and manure + vermicompost + chemical fertilizer. Results showed that the application of combined animal and chemical fertilizers significantly increased the morphological and yield components of the plant. The highest plant height, leaf number, leaf area, shoot dry weight, SPAD index, fruit length, number of fruits per plant, and fruit fresh weight per plant were obtained from combined treatment of manure and chemical fertilizers. Applying combined manure and chemical fertilizers increased the amount of stomata conductance about 45% in comparison with the control. The highest number of stomata in fruit was obtained from vermicompost treatment and the highest fruit diameter was recorded from combined vermicompost and chemical fertilizer. In general, the results showed that the combined application of manure and chemical fertilizer due to the effect of improving physical and chemical structure of soil, stimulation of some microorganisms, and availability of nutrients, led to increases in the morphological traits, yield components, and yield of sweet pepper.
Ahmadpour Sefidkouhi, A., Ghajar Sepanlou, M. and Bahmanyar, M.A. (2012). Effect of applying several organic and chemical successive fertilizers on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake and some wheat growth characteristics. Journal of Agricultural Science and Sustainable Production, 22 (4): 86-71.
Aslani, L., Mobli, M. and Majidi M.M. (2013). Comparison of growth, yield and morphological characteristics of fruit of four cultured pepper cultivars in two non-soil cultivars. Journal of Crop Science and Technology, 5 (20): 81-71.
Astaraee, A.R. (2006). Effect of urban waste compost and vermicompost on yield and yield components of Plantago ovata. The Journal of Iranian Medicinal Plants and Herbs Research, 22 (3): 180-187.
Hassanpour, R., Pirdashti, H., Esmaeili, M.A. and Abbasian, A. (2010). Effect of supernitoplus and urea fertilizer on yield and yield components of three sesame cultivars. Proceedings of the Eleventh Iranian Conference on Plant Breeding. Research Institute of Environmental Sciences. Tehran Shahid Beheshti University. 4217-4220 P.
Khoshgoftar Manesh, A.H. (2008). Basics of plant nutrition. First edition, Isfahan University of Technology publishing house. Isfahan, Iran.
Ahmadi, H., Jahanatighi, H. and Rostami, H. (2003). Investigating the performance of sweet and green peppers in the Sistan region. Seedlings Journal, 20 (2): 262-259.
Kafi, M., Zand, A., Kamkar, B., Sharifi, H. and Goldani, M. (2007). Physiology of Crops Volume 1 and 2 (translation). Jihad Publishing of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Malakouti, M.J., Keshavarz, P. and Karimian, N. (2008). Comprehensive diagnosis and optimal fertilizer recommendation for sustainable agriculture, Seventh Edition. Tarbiat Modares University Press. 102: 755 p.
Abu-Zahra, T.R. (2012). Vegetative, flowering and yield of sweet pepper as
influencedby agricultural practices. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 11 (9): 1220-1225.
Abul-soud, M., Abdrabbo, M.A. and Fereg, A.A. (2014). Increasing soil organic matter content as a key factor for sustainable production of sweet pepper. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 3(6): 707-723
Adhikari, P., Khanal, A. and Subedi, R. (2016). Effect of different sources of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on growth and yield of sweet pepper. Advances in Plants and Agriculture Research. 3 (5): 111.
Caravaca, F., Figueroa, D., Alguacil, M.M. and Rolan, A. (2003). Application of composted urban residue enhanced the performance of afforested shrub species in a degraded semiarid land. Bioresource Technology, 90:65-70.
Courtney, R.G. and Mullen, G.J. (2008). Soil quality and barley growth as influenced by the laud application of two compost types. Bioresource Technology, 99: 2913-2918.
Dick, W.A. and Tabatabai, M.A. (1993). Significance and potential uses of soil enzymes. In: Metting, F.B. (Ed.), Soil Microbial Ecology: Application in Agricultural and Environmental Management. Marcel Dekker, New York: 95-125.
Faten S.A.E. (2009). Effect of urea and some organic acids on plant growth, fruit yield and its quality of sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L.). Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 5(4): 372-379.
Funsho, F.E., Oluwafemi, A.B. and Joseph, A. (2015). Comparative evaluation of organic and inorganic manure on sweet pepper performance in two ecological zones of nigeria. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 6(5): 305-309.
Flores, P., Castellar, I. and Navarro, J. (2005). Nitrate leaching in pepper cultivation with organic manure and supplementary additions of mineral fertilizer. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 36(19&20): 2889-2898.
Ghoname, A. and Shafeek, M.R. (2005). Growth and productivity of sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L.) grown in plastic house as affected by organic, mineral and bio-n-fertilizers. Journal of agronomy, 4(4): 369-372.
Gobinath, K., Appireddy, Supradip, Saha., Banshi, L., Mina, Kundu S. and Gupta, H.S. (2011). Effect of organic manures and integrated nutrient management on yield potential of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) varieties and on soil properties. Journal of Agronomy and Soil Science, 54: 127-137.
Hampton, M.O. (1995). Soil and nutrient management: compost and manure. University of florida. Available at: http:// ipm.ifas.ufl.edu / resources/ success_stories/ T and PGuide /pdfs /Chapter3 /Compos t_Manure.pdf.
Huyskens-Keil, S. and Schreiner, M. (2004). Quality dynamics and quality assurance of fresh fruits and vegetables in pre- and postharvest. PP. 401–449. In: Dris, R. and S. Jain (Eds.), Production Practices and Quality Assessment of Field Crops, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Javaheri, Sh., Abdollahian Noghabi, M., Kashani, A., Habibi, D. and Noshad, H. (2012). Using of chlorophyll meter for recognize nitrogen deficiency in sugar beet. Journal of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, 7(4): 55-65.
Karimzadeh, H., Nezami, A., Kafi, M. and Tadion, M.R. (2017). Evaluation of stomata conductance, plant shading temperature and leaf water of bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Irrigation conditions. Crop Physiology Journal, 8(30): 105-120.
Kumar, M. and Verma, V. (2009). Bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.) production in low cost naturally-ventilated poly houses during winters in the mid hills of India. Acta Horticulturae, pp: 807.
Kumar, V., Shankar, R. and Singh, P.K. (2016). Effect of vermicompost, cow dung and different organic manure combination on growth and yield of chilli crop (Capsicum annuum L) in India. International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology, 3(3):14-19.
Lakzian, A., Sheibani, S., Bahadorian, M. and Shaddel, L. (2004). Soil microbiology (an exploratory approach). Sokhangostar publication. 555 pages (translation).
Liaven, M.A., Jimenez, J.L., Coro, B.I., Rosales, R.R., Molina, J.M., Dendooven, L. and Miceli, F.A. (2008). Fruit characteristics of bell pepper cultivated in sheep manure vermicompost substituted soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 31(9): 1585-1589.
Malik, A.A., Chattoo, M.A., Sheemar, G. and Rashid, R. (2011). Growth, yield and fruit quality of sweet pepper hybrid SH-SP-5 (Capsicum annuum L.) as affected by integration of inorganic fertilizers and organic manures (FYM). Journal of Agricultural Technology, 7(4):1037-104
Martin, E.C., Slack, D.C., Tannksley, K.A. and Basso, B. (2006). Effect of fresh and composted dairy manure applications on alfalfa yield and the environment in Arizona. Agronomy Journal, 98: 80-84.
Mervat, A.T., Amara, T. and Dahdoh, M.S.A. (1995). Effect of inoculation with plant Growth Promoting Rizobacteria (PGPR) on yield and uptake of nutrients by wheat grown on sandy soil. Fifth National Congress on Bio Agriculture in Relation to Environment. Nov, Cairo Egypt, pp, 327-331.
Prabha, M.L., Jayraaj, I.A., Jayroaj, R. and Ra, D.S. (2007). Effective of vermicompost on growth parameters of selected vegetable and medicinal plants. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences, 9:321-326.
Rajendran, K. and Devaraj, P. (2004). Biomass and nutrient distribution and their return of Casuarina equisetifolia inoculated with biofertilizers in farm land. Biomass and Bioenergy, 26: 235-249.
RamRao, D.M., Kodandaramaiah, J. and Reddy, M.P. (2007). Effect of VAM fungi and bacterial biofertilizers on mulberry leaf ouality and silkworn cocoon characters under semiaride conditions. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 5(2): 111-117.
Rekha, S.C., Subramani, T. and Sankaran, M. (2017). Effect of irrigation regimes and fertilizer levels on the growth and yield of bell pepper (Caspicum annum L.) under island ecosystem. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidiciplinary, 5(2): 2-9.
Saleh, S.M.M., Abou-Hadid, A.F., El-Behairy, A.A. and Medany, M.A.M. (2002). Effect of polyethylene colour on growth and productivity of sweet pepper. A thesis submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science. Department of Horticulture Faculty of Agriculture Ain Shams University. Egypt.
Sanatombi, K. and Sharma, G.J. (2007). Micropropagation of Capsicum annum L. using axillary shoot explants. Scientia Horticulturae, 113: 96-99.
Ahmadpour Sefidkouhi, A., Ghajar Sepanlou, M. and Bahmanyar, M.A. (2012). Effect of applying several organic and chemical successive fertilizers on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake and some wheat growth characteristics. Journal of Agricultural Science and Sustainable Production, 22 (4): 86-71.
Aslani, L., Mobli, M. and Majidi M.M. (2013). Comparison of growth, yield and morphological characteristics of fruit of four cultured pepper cultivars in two non-soil cultivars. Journal of Crop Science and Technology, 5 (20): 81-71.
Astaraee, A.R. (2006). Effect of urban waste compost and vermicompost on yield and yield components of Plantago ovata. The Journal of Iranian Medicinal Plants and Herbs Research, 22 (3): 180-187.
Hassanpour, R., Pirdashti, H., Esmaeili, M.A. and Abbasian, A. (2010). Effect of supernitoplus and urea fertilizer on yield and yield components of three sesame cultivars. Proceedings of the Eleventh Iranian Conference on Plant Breeding. Research Institute of Environmental Sciences. Tehran Shahid Beheshti University. 4217-4220 P.
Khoshgoftar Manesh, A.H. (2008). Basics of plant nutrition. First edition, Isfahan University of Technology publishing house. Isfahan, Iran.
Ahmadi, H., Jahanatighi, H. and Rostami, H. (2003). Investigating the performance of sweet and green peppers in the Sistan region. Seedlings Journal, 20 (2): 262-259.
Kafi, M., Zand, A., Kamkar, B., Sharifi, H. and Goldani, M. (2007). Physiology of Crops Volume 1 and 2 (translation). Jihad Publishing of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Malakouti, M.J., Keshavarz, P. and Karimian, N. (2008). Comprehensive diagnosis and optimal fertilizer recommendation for sustainable agriculture, Seventh Edition. Tarbiat Modares University Press. 102: 755 p.
Abu-Zahra, T.R. (2012). Vegetative, flowering and yield of sweet pepper as
influencedby agricultural practices. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 11 (9): 1220-1225.
Abul-soud, M., Abdrabbo, M.A. and Fereg, A.A. (2014). Increasing soil organic matter content as a key factor for sustainable production of sweet pepper. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 3(6): 707-723
Adhikari, P., Khanal, A. and Subedi, R. (2016). Effect of different sources of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on growth and yield of sweet pepper. Advances in Plants and Agriculture Research. 3 (5): 111.
Caravaca, F., Figueroa, D., Alguacil, M.M. and Rolan, A. (2003). Application of composted urban residue enhanced the performance of afforested shrub species in a degraded semiarid land. Bioresource Technology, 90:65-70.
Courtney, R.G. and Mullen, G.J. (2008). Soil quality and barley growth as influenced by the laud application of two compost types. Bioresource Technology, 99: 2913-2918.
Dick, W.A. and Tabatabai, M.A. (1993). Significance and potential uses of soil enzymes. In: Metting, F.B. (Ed.), Soil Microbial Ecology: Application in Agricultural and Environmental Management. Marcel Dekker, New York: 95-125.
Faten S.A.E. (2009). Effect of urea and some organic acids on plant growth, fruit yield and its quality of sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L.). Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 5(4): 372-379.
Funsho, F.E., Oluwafemi, A.B. and Joseph, A. (2015). Comparative evaluation of organic and inorganic manure on sweet pepper performance in two ecological zones of nigeria. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 6(5): 305-309.
Flores, P., Castellar, I. and Navarro, J. (2005). Nitrate leaching in pepper cultivation with organic manure and supplementary additions of mineral fertilizer. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 36(19&20): 2889-2898.
Ghoname, A. and Shafeek, M.R. (2005). Growth and productivity of sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L.) grown in plastic house as affected by organic, mineral and bio-n-fertilizers. Journal of agronomy, 4(4): 369-372.
Gobinath, K., Appireddy, Supradip, Saha., Banshi, L., Mina, Kundu S. and Gupta, H.S. (2011). Effect of organic manures and integrated nutrient management on yield potential of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) varieties and on soil properties. Journal of Agronomy and Soil Science, 54: 127-137.
Hampton, M.O. (1995). Soil and nutrient management: compost and manure. University of florida. Available at: http:// ipm.ifas.ufl.edu / resources/ success_stories/ T and PGuide /pdfs /Chapter3 /Compos t_Manure.pdf.
Huyskens-Keil, S. and Schreiner, M. (2004). Quality dynamics and quality assurance of fresh fruits and vegetables in pre- and postharvest. PP. 401–449. In: Dris, R. and S. Jain (Eds.), Production Practices and Quality Assessment of Field Crops, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Javaheri, Sh., Abdollahian Noghabi, M., Kashani, A., Habibi, D. and Noshad, H. (2012). Using of chlorophyll meter for recognize nitrogen deficiency in sugar beet. Journal of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, 7(4): 55-65.
Karimzadeh, H., Nezami, A., Kafi, M. and Tadion, M.R. (2017). Evaluation of stomata conductance, plant shading temperature and leaf water of bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Irrigation conditions. Crop Physiology Journal, 8(30): 105-120.
Kumar, M. and Verma, V. (2009). Bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.) production in low cost naturally-ventilated poly houses during winters in the mid hills of India. Acta Horticulturae, pp: 807.
Kumar, V., Shankar, R. and Singh, P.K. (2016). Effect of vermicompost, cow dung and different organic manure combination on growth and yield of chilli crop (Capsicum annuum L) in India. International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology, 3(3):14-19.
Lakzian, A., Sheibani, S., Bahadorian, M. and Shaddel, L. (2004). Soil microbiology (an exploratory approach). Sokhangostar publication. 555 pages (translation).
Liaven, M.A., Jimenez, J.L., Coro, B.I., Rosales, R.R., Molina, J.M., Dendooven, L. and Miceli, F.A. (2008). Fruit characteristics of bell pepper cultivated in sheep manure vermicompost substituted soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 31(9): 1585-1589.
Malik, A.A., Chattoo, M.A., Sheemar, G. and Rashid, R. (2011). Growth, yield and fruit quality of sweet pepper hybrid SH-SP-5 (Capsicum annuum L.) as affected by integration of inorganic fertilizers and organic manures (FYM). Journal of Agricultural Technology, 7(4):1037-104
Martin, E.C., Slack, D.C., Tannksley, K.A. and Basso, B. (2006). Effect of fresh and composted dairy manure applications on alfalfa yield and the environment in Arizona. Agronomy Journal, 98: 80-84.
Mervat, A.T., Amara, T. and Dahdoh, M.S.A. (1995). Effect of inoculation with plant Growth Promoting Rizobacteria (PGPR) on yield and uptake of nutrients by wheat grown on sandy soil. Fifth National Congress on Bio Agriculture in Relation to Environment. Nov, Cairo Egypt, pp, 327-331.
Prabha, M.L., Jayraaj, I.A., Jayroaj, R. and Ra, D.S. (2007). Effective of vermicompost on growth parameters of selected vegetable and medicinal plants. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences, 9:321-326.
Rajendran, K. and Devaraj, P. (2004). Biomass and nutrient distribution and their return of Casuarina equisetifolia inoculated with biofertilizers in farm land. Biomass and Bioenergy, 26: 235-249.
RamRao, D.M., Kodandaramaiah, J. and Reddy, M.P. (2007). Effect of VAM fungi and bacterial biofertilizers on mulberry leaf ouality and silkworn cocoon characters under semiaride conditions. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, 5(2): 111-117.
Rekha, S.C., Subramani, T. and Sankaran, M. (2017). Effect of irrigation regimes and fertilizer levels on the growth and yield of bell pepper (Caspicum annum L.) under island ecosystem. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidiciplinary, 5(2): 2-9.
Saleh, S.M.M., Abou-Hadid, A.F., El-Behairy, A.A. and Medany, M.A.M. (2002). Effect of polyethylene colour on growth and productivity of sweet pepper. A thesis submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science. Department of Horticulture Faculty of Agriculture Ain Shams University. Egypt.
Sanatombi, K. and Sharma, G.J. (2007). Micropropagation of Capsicum annum L. using axillary shoot explants. Scientia Horticulturae, 113: 96-99.