• navabakhsh.mehrdad Presenting an Affective Model of Identity in Urban Space (Case of Study: Neighborhoods of Tehran in 2018-2019) [ Vol.12, Issue 1 - Winter Year 2022]
  • navabakhsh.mehrdad Comparison of the America Object in the Two Iranian Presidents (Hashmi Rafsanjani and Khatami) Discourses [ Vol.12, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2022]
  • navabakhsh.mehrdad The Role of the Social Security Organization (SSO) on the Economic and Social Welfare of Iran from the Viewpoint of Citizens Covered by the Social Security Organization (SSO) in West Azarbaijan Province [ Vol.12, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 2022]
  • navabakhsh.mehrdad The Impact of Social Capital on Sustainable Urban Development in Iran [ Vol.12, Issue 4 - Autumn Year 2022]