• Eisvand.Hamid Reza Response of bread wheat cultivars to salinity stress trend under greenhouse conditions [ Vol.14, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2024]
  • Emamjomeh.Abbasali Effects of Gibberellic Acid and Auxin on Expression of Genes Involved in Flixweed Flowering [ Vol.14, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2024]
  • enaiate.fereshte Methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid effect on the production of metabolites in Portulaca oleracea L. suspension culture [ Vol.14, Issue 2 - Spring Year 2024]
  • esmaeeli.Leila Nano-Alumina Effects on Lepidium draba: Morphological Properties, H2O2 Scavenging Enzymes Activity, Content of Sulforaphane and Flavonoid, and Bioaccumulation of Aluminum [ Vol.14, Issue 3 - Summer Year 2024]