Effects of Boron Priming On The Chemicals And Antioxidant Of Quinoa seedling
Subject Areas : Plant Physiology
Ali Mansouri
Heshmat Omidi
Amir Bostani
1 - Agronomy Department, Agriculture Faculty, Shahed university, Tehran, Iran
2 - Agronomy and Plant Breeding Department, Agriculture Faculty, Shahed University Tehran, Iran
3 - Faculty of Agriculture, Shahed University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Saponin, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, Boron, Chenopodium quinoa Willd,
Abstract :
A factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with four replications to investigate the effect of boron priming on the chemical and antioxidant content of seedlings of different quinoa genotypes.Experimental factors included seed priming(at six levels of control,hydropriming,and boron concentrations of 1g/L،2g/L،3g/Land4g/L) and 3 quinoa genotypes(Titicaca,Giza1 and Sajama).The traits in this study included chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoids, anthocyanins, saponins, total phenols, peroxidase,and superoxide dismutase.The results showed that boron priming has a significant effect on all traits.The highest levels of chlorophyll and carotenoids in Titicaca and Sajama genotypes were obtained by applying the level of boron concentrations of 2g/L,while the highest level of the mentioned traits was obtained by applying the level of 1g/L in the genotype of Giza1.In the studied genotypes,by increasing the concentration of boron solution,the saponin content increased(33.3%)and the highest level of saponin was observed in the Titicaca genotype(1.13 mg/gDW).The highest total phenol content in Titicaca and Sajama genotypes was obtained by applying boron concentrations of 1g/L,while boron priming reduced the total phenol content in Giza1 genotype,compared to hydropriming.In addition,the response of anthocyanin content to different levels of priming was different in different genotypes.The highest anthocyanin content was obtained in Titicaca genotype at 2g/L,in Giza1 genotype at 4g/L,and in Sajama genotype in control.At a boron concentration of 2g/L,the Titicaca and Sajama genotypes had the highest content of superoxide dismutase enzyme,while the genotype Giza1 had the highest level at a concentration of 1g/L.The highest peroxidase activity was observed in a boron concentration of 4g/L.
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