Consumers’ Perception Towards Buying Processed Cashew Nuts in India: An Investigation into Factors Determining Purchase Intension using Structural Equation Modelling
Subject Areas : cashew
Kalee Pattanayak
Brijlal Mallik
Sudhakar Tripathy
1 - Research Scholar, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, 761200, India
2 - Assistant Professor, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, 761200, India
3 - Professor, GIET University, Odisha, 765022, India
Keywords: purchase intention, SEM, consumer perception, Eating attitude, Eating motivation, Processed cashew nuts,
Abstract :
Thedemand for processed cashews is on therise in today's market.Businesses and policymakers must understandthefactorsthatinfluence consumer choices whenpurchasingprocessed cashew nuts. This research paper focuses onunderstandingthese factors in Odisha, India. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted with a sample size of 458 individuals using non-probability convenience sampling. Thisestablishedthe factor structures, followed by structural equation modelling (SEM) to assess themodel'saccuracyand testhypotheses. The analysis results revealed that three motivational factors (competence, independence, andaffinity) andthree perceived value factors (wellbeing, emotive response, andexpediency)had a direct andpositiveinfluence onconsumers'intentions to purchase processed cashew nuts.Additionally,eating attitudemediated the relationship betweenall motivational factors and all perceived value factors inpurchasingprocessed cashew nuts. However,multiple regression analysis showed no correlation betweensocioeconomicvariables andconsumers'intentions to buy processed cashewnuts. The researchfindings provideinsights intopromotingprocessed cashew nuts within the food industry andsupportingconsumers in making healthier food choices, particularly in an Indian context.
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