Evaluation of Decision-Making Units with Interval Grey Data in DEA
Subject Areas : International Journal of Mathematical Modelling & Computations
Jafar Pourmahmoud
Mahdi Eini
Davood Darvishi Salokolaei
Saeid Mehrabian
1 - Department of Applied Mathematics, Azarbaijan Shahaid Madani University,Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Department of Applied Mathematics, Azarbaijan Shahaid Madani University,Tabriz, Iran.
3 - Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics Sciences and Computer, Kharazmi University, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: Efficiency, Stroke, Interval grey number, Data Envelopment Analysis.,
Abstract :
When evaluating the efficiency of decision-making units, paying attention to the amount of indicators and their conditions is of particular importance. In classical data envelopment analysis models, inputs and outputs are deterministic. However, if the data is grey, to obtain reliable results, it is better to use the theory of grey systems in data envelopment analysis. In this paper, a new method for using interval grey data in CCR model is proposed. The proposed method on a practical example is used to check the condition of cerebral hemorrhage in stroke patients after the injection of Tissue Plasminogen Activator. The results obtained from the proposed method on this example show that the examination of cerebral hemorrhage status of stroke patients is more accurately calculated and these results are more reliable for decision makers.
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