Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences (IJES) is a multi-disciplinary journal aimed at bringing together top-quality research across the entire spectrum of the Earth Sciences along with relevant work in related areas. IJES Journal opens a new era for the publication of geoscientific research articles in English, covering geology, mineralogy, petrology, economic geology, environmental geology, geophysics, geochemistry, paleontology, structural geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, petroleum geology, hydrogeology, remote sensingand planetary geology.
IJES is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal, meaning that all interested readers are able to freely access the journal online at the need for a subscription. Manuscripts that are accepted for publication will not be subject to any page charges, color charges, or article processing charges.
ISSN (Print): 2008-8779
ISSN (Online): 2228-785X