Seismic study and spatial observations of a & b – values for the different earthquake hazard zones of India
Subject Areas : Mineralogy
Narayanakumar Somasundaram
Surendra Nadh Somala
Evgenii Rogozhin
Svetlana Rodina
1 - Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India
2 - Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India
3 - Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
4 - Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: seismicity, frequency-magnitude distribution, Seismogenic zones, b-value,
Abstract :
This paper study the recent seismicity in Earthquake hazard zones in India. A large historical earthquake event catalog to cover the period of 1900-2018, the parameters date, time, latitude, longitude, depth and magnitude has been used to calculating frequency-magnitude distribution (b-value) of seismic hazard zones in India. To convert different magnitude scales into a single moment magnitude scale, the general orthogonal regression relation is used. Gamma distribution used for variable corrections also de-clustering method has used for removal of any non-Poisson distribution. The Indian seismic hazard zones are divided into five major seismic sources zones. The seismicity is characterized by Gutenberg-Richter relation. The parameter ‘b’ of FMD and relationship have been determined for these five seismic zones having different vulnerability environment. The ‘b’ values ranges between 0.43 to 1.16. The difference between the b parameters and seismic hazard level from seismic zones II to V considered for the study of high seismo-tectonic complexity and crustal heterogeneity, the parameter ‘a’ value changes accordingly the seismicity of the regions. The lowest b-values found in seismic zone II. The highest FMD b-value has been found in the seismic zone IV. Such high seismicity b-values may be associated with high heterogeneity. In this high b-value predict the low strength in the crust as well as seismic instabilities of that zone. These observations recommend not suggesting the location of important projects like atomic power stations, hydroelectric power stations, neutrino observatory projects, satellite town projects.
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