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    Important Notice: IJBBE uses software for similarity check of the manuscript to screen the plagiarism or self-plagiarism!

    The authors, editors, and reviewers involving in the process of publishing a manuscript in the International Journal of Biophotonics and Biomedical Engineering (IJBBE) are responsible to agree upon and commit to the minimum ethical behaviors and standards that are obvious to all scholars, given here:

    1. Minimum Ethical Behaviors and Standards for Authors

    The authors are responsible to:

    • certify that their manuscripts are their original work. Plagiarism, Duplicate (Self Plagiarism), Data Fabrication and Falsification, and Redundant Publications are forbidden; The journal uses this plagiarism link:: https://crosscheck.scitech.info
    • certify that the manuscript has not previously been published and is not currently under review or being considered for publication elsewhere. The paper must be at least 70% different from any other conference or journal paper;
    • ensure that the consent and permission has been received from all co-authors and responsible authorities at the institute/organization, where the work has been carried out, before submission of the manuscript;
    • report the change of authorship or the order of authors for submitted paper in a letter signed by all authors, only before receiving the review results;
    • certify that all the authors of the paper have contributed sufficiently to the scientific work and therefore share collective responsibility and accountability for the results;
    • ensure that the work and/or words of others, and sources which are used in the manuscript, are appropriately cited or quoted;
    • perform a complete literature review that are essential for understanding the present investigation, and cite the original publications;
    • ensure that no data have been fabricated or manipulated (including images) to support the paper's results;
    • ensure that a single study is not split up into several parts to increase the quantity of submissions to various journals or to the same journal over time;
    • send the relevant documentation or data in order to verify the validity of their results upon the probable request of the reviewers and/or editor;
    • notify the IJBBE editor of any conflict of interest;
    • promptly notify the journal editor to retract or correct the errors, when discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their own published work.
    1. Minimum Ethical Behaviors and Standards for Editors

    The IJBBE Editor is responsible to:

    • keep confidential all the information of the submitted manuscripts;
    • make decisions on submitted manuscripts with reasonable speed, regardless of the race, sex, seniority, religion, nationality, or institutional affiliation of the authors. Manuscripts can be rejected by editor, without external review, due to being out of scope of the journal, bad preparation, not enough results for approval of the results, unacceptable English, ethical violation by authors, or other reasons;
    • choose appropriate reviewers, expertize in the field of manuscript in order to reach the correct judgment;
    • strive to meet the needs of readers and authors and constantly improve the journal;
    • preserve the anonymity of the reviewers;
    • prevent and disclose any conflict of interest between staff, authors, reviewers and board members;
    • not using any unpublished information, argument or interpretations disclosed in any submitted manuscript in his/her own research, unless by written permission of the authors;
    • be always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies, when needed.
    1. Minimum Ethical Behaviors and Standards for Reviewers:

    The reviewers are responsible to:

    • decline review, when his/her qualification in the field of the manuscript is weak;
    • decline review, when have a personal or professional connection with the authors;
    • keep confidential all the information of the received manuscript;
    • comment clearly and scientifically the reasons for acceptance or rejection of the manuscript, understandable for editor and authors according to enough reasoning and relevant citations;
    • evaluate the manuscript only for its intellectual content, originality, significance, and relevance to the domains of the journal with reasonable speed, regardless of the race, sex, seniority, religion, nationality, or institutional affiliation of the authors;
    • report the possible plagiarism or self-plagiarism of the manuscript, substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript and other published papers;
    • identify the relevant published works that have not been cited by the authors;
    • inform the editor that the report in manuscript may provide products or technologies that may be harmful to people, animal, plant, material, or environment;
    • notify the editor for any probable conflict of interest.