Capability Analyzing of Solar Energy Based on Climatic Criteria Recognition in Iran’s Architectural Design by the Use of Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process Method (FAHP)
Subject Areas : Urban Design
Mojtaba Noorollahi
Seyed Majid Mofidi Shemirani
Shahin Heidari
Seyed Mohammad Sadeghzadeh
1 - Ph.D., Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Professor, Department of Arcitecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Shahed University, Technical and Enginerring Unversity, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: discourse analysis, Institutional analysis, Exclusive space production, Institutional discourse analys,
Abstract :
Developing a comprehensive document based on the utmost use of renewable energy efficiency in the architecture design is the first step in national level to follow the goals of sustainable architecture and this is not possible without having a deep trend of the climatic compartment. The modeling of comprehensive energy plans in the architecture without having a quantitative approach is incomplete and inefficient in all of these areas without accurate scrutiny Also, one of the main challenges regarding the climatic compartment in architecture is the qualitative approach of designers and researchers of architecture towards this science; which has a basic contradiction with quantitative data of climate science. Hence, through the quantitative potential climatic investigation and integrating it with qualitative components affecting architecture, a suitable approach to architectural design is obtainable. The purpose is to measure and evaluate solar energy in the design of the architecture of buildings in Iran with a climatic approach. The first step in achieving this purpose is to identify and prioritize the relevant factors and criteria for utilizing the solar energy capability in the design of architecture and climate. The variables of this model with the above objective function include 5 main criteria and 15 sub-criteria. In the next step, we define and eliminate non-usable areas and then draw a fuzzy hierarchy structure. After that, the relative weight of criterion is determined using the FAHP technique and based on the views of a group of academic, governmental and industrial experts in the Super Decision analysis software.
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